Recent content by yngwie1029

  1. Y

    Controversial opinions on metal

    christian metal bad??? lol... tourniquet! mortification!
  2. Y

    Best of 2009 thread

    augury - fragmentary evidence obscura - cosmogenenesis
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    Your favorite guitar solos

    symphony x- all the solos on the damnation game through V
  4. Y

    Top 10 Favorite Bands

    in no particular order... iron maiden megadeth symphony x death opeth blind guardian obscura atheist carcass testament
  5. Y

    Death Metal

    my favorite death metal band is death... individual thought patterns is one of my favorite albums
  6. Y

    where to find bathory's cds from black mark?

    but how can u make sure they r black mark copies and not others?
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    where to find bathory's cds from black mark?

    i've heard that the reissued and remastered bathory albums have awful sound quality and to buy the black mark versions.. example amazon is selling a "kraze" version of the cds i...
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    Putting criminals back in society vs holding them in prison for punishment.

    if they r in there for something stupid they should let them out
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    Musicians you would like to have a beer with/hang out with.

    rush, dave mustaine, yngwie, george lynch, alex skolnick, and chuck shuldiner if he was alive
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    top 10 albums of the 80s?

    hmmm.... this is hard peace sells...but who's buying - megadeth power slave - iron maiden number of the beast - iron maiden killers - iron maiden rising force - yngwie malmsteen leprosy - death kreator - extreme aggression testament - practice what you preach the years of decay - overkill ride...
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    well... i can't find any... especially in my size i don't want to go to hot topic cause all the emo and nu metal kids go there but i'll probably have to go there :( i'll get some white high tops too so i don't look emo... and my hair is to long and curly to be emo
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    does anybody know where i can get jeans like this i can't find any... and i don't want to go to hot topic
  13. Y

    Cute vs. Hot
