Recent content by Your Fondest Nightmare

  1. Your Fondest Nightmare

    COB Pics

    I totally still care about Sinergy! You are AWESOME for this and thank you so much! :D!!!
  2. Your Fondest Nightmare

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    I really don't know why you're being such an asshole, seriously. I'm not going to continue to argue, because sooner or later someone's going to get scolded for being off-topic. Whatever. P.S. - I already have Alexi's autograph. You don't need to speak down to me like a child, because I'm an...
  3. Your Fondest Nightmare

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    @Joonas: You know dude, honestly, it was not directed at you. Some things you say do piss me off but in the end I just laugh about it and move on with my day. I don't think you're a bad person and I think you catch a lot of shit and it sucks because you are just really passionate and I...
  4. Your Fondest Nightmare

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    Yet you jump right on me for having an opinion of my own? I didn't say that you guys can't have your own opinions, but for the most part, a lot of you are immature about how you express it. I'm not directing at at you. If people would just express things maturely instead of just going ahead and...
  5. Your Fondest Nightmare

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    I wasn't whining; I was stepping up to defend the band, which someone really needs to fucking do around here. But, I'm not going to argue with you, since you're clearly an elitist asshole. Go ahead, have the last word. I said what I wanted to say.
  6. Your Fondest Nightmare

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    Are you calling me immature? Really? Wow. Exactly why I don't post here. I don't even know why I waste my time.
  7. Your Fondest Nightmare

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    Longtime lurker, infrequent poster. I don't post often because you guys, for the most part, are immature and it bothers me. Not all of you. Let me make it clear that I am not speaking to all of you, but to a few certain people that should know exactly who they are. That being said, I think...
  8. Your Fondest Nightmare

    All Cob fans must read this.

    You guys are a bunch of douchebags. Sorry, dude, unfortunately this forum is like... one step above youtube comments on the internet scum scale. It's awesome that you cared enough to take the time to write out that post and everything. :) I generally just lurk on here and laugh from afar...
  9. Your Fondest Nightmare

    COB Interviews

    Nah, I see his hair under the hood at some points. I think >_>
  10. Your Fondest Nightmare

    COB Pics

    I don't know whose hand that is supposed to be, but I wanted to point out that wedding rings are traditionally on the LEFT hand, and that's a RIGHT hand. So, yes, that is a ring on the "ring finger," but it's likely not a wedding ring if it's not on the left hand. :)
  11. Your Fondest Nightmare

    COB Pics

    You're welcome :)
  12. Your Fondest Nightmare

    COB Pics

    Pfft, it's ok. XP <3
  13. Your Fondest Nightmare

    COB Pics

    This one is just my favorite picture that I took from the performance :D. The tiny size on Facebook doesn't do it any justice. Sorry that some of the ones with me and the band are blurred, but the flash on my camera was turned off. Roope moved, and my friend's hands were shaking when we were by...
  14. Your Fondest Nightmare

    COB Pics

    It was one of the best nights of my life, definitely. If anyone wants any of my pictures in a larger size, let me know, because I have them. :)