Recent content by zac.........

  1. zac.........

    holy crap, could you use Dianetics to unbrainwash yourself from Dianetics??

    *ahem* apologies.... answer: NO. You'd still end up a Scientologist.
  2. zac.........

    holy crap, could you use Dianetics to unbrainwash yourself from Dianetics??

    I've been in cults too. Yeah, no, Scientology is wrong in so many ways and ruins lives... unless you like submitting to carrot-dangling dominator hierarchies that will ruin you financially more than any DIY album production you can ever imagine. I was *MADE* to attend the Church Of Scientology...
  3. zac.........

    kayo dot interview in lamentations of the flame princess

    ... reminds me of some glyphs from the Necronomicon... :Smokedev::flame::hotjump::guh::OMG:
  4. zac.........


    I swiped the audio stream of the KALX show and truncated Crown In The Muck... 128kbps mp3...