Recent content by Zakkrieg

  1. Z

    WOODS OF YPRES live shows - 2011

    You guys definitely need to come back to Montreal. We NEED another Woods show.
  2. Z

    WOODS OF YPRES - Temporary Toronto Distro (Jan and Feb 2011)

    Save a copy of the three cds and a vinyl for me. I can't miss this opportunity.
  3. Z

    WOODS OF YPRES - 2010 Summer Tours!

    Hey David, I don't wanna sound naggy, or anything like that, but, have you heard anything from Cafe Chaos? Its getting closer to the date that you were wanting to play here in Montreal, and I REALLY don't want to miss out on you guys. Plus, it'd be cool to know if my efforts had any affect. Thanks.
  4. Z

    WOODS OF YPRES - 2010 Summer Tours!

    Alright! I'll keep doing what I can. Also, if Cafe Chaos doesn't bite, theres another place I could possibly get you booked at. Its significantly smaller than Chaos, but, its also almost assured that you would get booked. I'd just have to talk to the manager, first. Lemme know if you're...
  5. Z

    WOODS OF YPRES - 2010 Summer Tours!

    David, has there been any word on a Montreal date?
  6. Z

    WOODS OF YPRES - 2010 Summer Tours!

    Would you like to be an Admin for the group?
  7. Z

    WOODS OF YPRES - 2010 Summer Tours!

    Awesome! Thanks dude. Hopefully this works.
  8. Z

    WOODS OF YPRES - 2010 Summer Tours!

    After I sent them an email, they sent me one back, saying that they'd work something out. Also, I made a Facebook group encouraging people to listen to your music and send an email to Cafe Chaos. Hopefully it helps.
  9. Z

    WOODS OF YPRES - 2010 Summer Tours!

    Alright, I'll get as many people to send a letter as I can. You're going to play for me, even if it kills me.
  10. Z

    WOODS OF YPRES - 2010 Summer Tours!

    David, if you need help, I'll do ANYTHING I can to make a Montreal date happen. We've gotta get you guys to come play here,