Recent content by Zarozinia

  1. Zarozinia

    The I'm Going/Just Went to a Concert Thread

    A few recent shows: Amon Amarth OAs: Lazarus A.D., Skeletonwitch, Goatwhore April 14 in St. Louis Lamb of God OAs: As I Lay Dying, God Forbid, Municipal Waste May 2 in St. Louis Opeth OA: Enslaved May 6 in Chicago May 22 in Knoxville The Crystal Method June 9 in St. Louis...
  2. Zarozinia

    Weird but, could work tour combinations

    The oddest combination I've seen was back in 1987: King Diamond and Trouble
  3. Zarozinia

    May 21st - Memphis, TN

    Pardon the late reply.... Indeed. Totally worth the 400-mile trip for me. Got to see "Karma" and Fred's "how to do a 'real' metal solo" before "Demon" (neither was done at the Chicago show). :)
  4. Zarozinia

    What Music Have You Bought Recently?

    OSI - Blood Edge of Sanity - Crimson At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul (Special Edition) Enslaved - Ruun Entombed - Serpent Saints Heaven and Hell - The Devil You Know Testament - The Formation of Damnation Heir Apparent - Triad
  5. Zarozinia

    Live at Chicago HOB 5-6-09

    It was a pleasure to help pop that cherry, my friend :D Cheers for the write-up! Your memory is so much better than mine ;)
  6. Zarozinia

    Now Playing Thread

    Novembers Doom - Rain
  7. Zarozinia

    Now Playing Thread

    Bloodbath - Eaten
  8. Zarozinia

    rare prog from early 70s

    Not yet mentioned (to the best of my knowledge and with help of the Search function) .... Gypsy (esp "Antithesis") Pavlov's Dog (warning: singer's voice is even more annoying than Geddy Lee's; decent music, though) Two bands that were pretty popular in my hometown during the 70s. My dad was a...
  9. Zarozinia

    Concert behavior

    Both posters basically summed up my behavior. I do a bit of headbanging but only a little and ONLY if it isn't intrusive to the people around me. And I don't sing at the top of my lungs because people have paid to hear the band and not my horrid screeching. I fucking HATE when some idiot...
  10. Zarozinia

    New Face Culture interviews

    Those are incredible interviews! Thank you =)
  11. Zarozinia

    Good unknown metal bands

    Anacrusis (not totally obscure, but not terribly well-known either) Kenn's recently updated the official site for the band: