Recent content by zaurus

  1. zaurus

    Another one

    Very helpful tips. Just what I needed. Thanks a lot.
  2. zaurus

    Another one

    no one?:confused:
  3. zaurus

    Another one

    I need a little (or not so little) help with this one. It's not exactly metal but I don't know what it is either. So here it is:
  4. zaurus

    Google +

  5. zaurus

    Google +

    I don't have Facebook, but I won't mind checking out Google+. It seems it lacks everything I hate about Facebook. Anyone wanna invite me? digizaurus at yahoo dotcom
  6. zaurus

    First song with vocals

    nezvers, It was actually just the right guitar. I tweaked it a little and this one should be less "sawy": MAXMEDLOW, Do you mean any special part or the whole strings track? I tried it on the beginning and it sounded...
  7. zaurus

    First song with vocals

    No one?
  8. zaurus

    First song with vocals

    Well, I finally have the song reworked, here: So, what do you think? Better or worse?
  9. zaurus

    First song with vocals

    Thanks. Downloading the demo now...
  10. zaurus

    First song with vocals

    Exactly! I don't know why, but drums replacement didn't work well on this particular song. But I'll give it another try. I'm actually using some, but not at 100% wet, the same as with the drums - I didn't like the result. I'll try "onqel and LePou". And thanks for the other...
  11. zaurus

    First song with vocals

    What an exhaustive analysis!:worship: So I still have a lot of work on it. Thanks a lot.
  12. zaurus

    First song with vocals

    Hi, This is my first song with vocas, so I need your opinion. I'm posting two versions: the first one is the full song (8:32) and the second one is without the intro (6:16). Full song: w/o intro...
  13. zaurus

    Unidentified "Paint it Black" cover

    Hey, thanks a lot! How did you found it?!? I'll finally get rid of the tape...:kickass:
  14. zaurus

    Unidentified "Paint it Black" cover

    The cover should be from the 80's (or early 90's, I can't remember exactly) - I had it on a tape for some 20 years, recorded from the radio.
  15. zaurus

    Unidentified "Paint it Black" cover

    The covers I checked and are NOT this one are: Anvil At all Cost Bluebeard Deadsy Earth Crisis Gob Inkubus Sukkubus Glenn Tipton/Judas Priest Marduk Rage Rammstein Taetre The Accused The Agony Scene The Black Dahlia Murder The Unseen U2 Vicious Rumors WASP