Recent content by Zell87

  1. Z

    Asgeir is easily replaceable...

    Go to, he's basically a clinician now
  2. Z

    A question to Sir. Aesgir the great...

    Thankyou oh mighty one!
  3. Z

    A question to Sir. Aesgir the great...

    I sacrilegiously misspelled your name on my previous post, I was typing in a hurry and by doing so I screwed up positioning the E...... sorry about that man...
  4. Z

    A question to Sir. Aesgir the great...

    Knowing that you are one of the most reliable authorities in matter of drumming and most likely drum recording, for a school project I am rying to pull off the whole "multi instrumentalist" thing, only thing is I have only a vague idea on how to appropriately mic a drum set for a recording...
  5. Z

    What's the next cover SA might propose?

    I apologize for putting the same title to two different threads, I'm an idiot!
  6. Z

    What's the next cover SA might propose?

    After "prelude to Ruin" will SA quit covers, or repropose some other prog metal classic?
  7. Z

    Wha's the next cover SA might propose?

    Has anyone heard the new sir. millard mulch album, I'm undecided on it's purchase...
  8. Z

    A question to the band.....

    Thank you, oh your awesomeness of a drummer...
  9. Z

    A question to the band.....

    Ok, here it is........ where can I find the japanese release of "A Sceptic's Universe"? I already have the American release, now I'm trying to find the japanese version, with the FW cover bonus track.
  10. Z

    Oyvinds SOLO cd ????

    Yeah, the only other metal accordian I've heard was in a liquid tension experiment song.