Recent content by ZenKeys88

  1. ZenKeys88

    Seven Kingdoms -After the Fall video

    Now that I'm not craning my three-days-of-headbanging-sore-neck to watch this video, it's pretty sweet! Good stuff, guys :D
  2. ZenKeys88

    Cheers 'n Jeers '12

    My brain is telling me that I've seen them perform it before, but I can't find any setlist proof of this on the internet, so I will have a few bites of humble pie before bed x)
  3. ZenKeys88

    Cheers 'n Jeers '12

    Cheers: 1 - MaYaN!! The reason I came this year, I was not disappointed. I couldn't even headbang half the time because I was just so blown away. 2 - Epica: Every time I see them is amazing, and this set was no different. Definitely wearing my PPUSAXIII shirt when I see them in D.C. next...
  4. ZenKeys88

    Thank you from Redemption

    I was standing up front through Redemption's set thinking " I...not...already...a fan?" Seriously, I don't know which I am ashamed of more: missing the autograph session, or not owning any Redemption albums in the first place. Hope I get a chance to see them again when I know the...
  5. ZenKeys88

    The ProgPower Flu XIII - who has it?

    I made damn sure to get my flu shot early this year so I wouldn't get ProgPower Flu again.
  6. ZenKeys88

    I'm the drunk guy in green shirt

    I just popped into the forum to read up about next years band roster, and I saw this thread. I don't think I gave you my name, but I was mingling with the group of folks you bought a round for, although I wasn't drinking myself. I have to say, I was nearly heartbroken to see someone who 20...
  7. ZenKeys88

    musicians seeking musicians

    Northern Virginia area Prog Metal band seeking a drummer! Our haves: -Guitarist (7 & 8 strings), Bassist (fretless) and Keyboardist (classically trained) Our Influences: Dream Theater, Nevermore, Symphony X, Epica, Genesis, ELP, Forbidden, Bio-mechanical, Rush, Meshuggah, Iron Maiden...
  8. ZenKeys88

    The Official First Impressions/Updates/Reviews of this year's ProgPower

    Friday Night Impressions: Illusion Suite: Pretty cool, great for an opener. Can't say its something I really go for. Blackguard: I've seen them twice before, and they're still awesome. Unlike most of the crowd here, I actually love death vocals! I don't know of many bands that coordinate...
  9. ZenKeys88

    Turisas cancels ProgPower USA appearance

    While Blackguard isn't exactly Power OR Prog, they're a GREAT live band (I've seen them twice) and will get the crowd going a little more if nothing else. I reccomend the song "This Round's on Me" for anyone who hasn't heard them yet. Amusing Story: When I went to see Epica for the first...
  10. ZenKeys88

    For All Those Who Wonder Why Power Metal Isn't Big In The U.S.

    I don't understand why they call her a singer. She's speaking to a beat. It's like rap, except it has even less meaning. I, for one, DON'T wonder why Power Metal isn't big in the U.S. Even if I did wonder, I would not want an answer as I like it the way it is. While I wish the bands financial...
  11. ZenKeys88

    Marcelo Cabuli to sue Nightwish?

    Because as opposed to him reading the book after it was published, he read the text about himself beforehand and approved it for publishing, thus he has much less legal standing to complain?
  12. ZenKeys88


    I'm with you Megaloud. I saw a band open for Heathenfest last night that was great, but they really seemed like they just wanted to stand there and play some metal and hoped it went over well. NOT the way to get your music going. I hope to have a few different bands in the future (for my...
  13. ZenKeys88

    Pain of Salvation - What Album do I need?

    Haters? Really? I won't ask why since I don't want to start a flame war, but I will ask where a better place to ask is. Man I hope that makes sense. In the meantime, TO THE COMPACT DISC VENDOR.
  14. ZenKeys88

    Pain of Salvation - What Album do I need?

    Once again my knack for picking a really great album but a really bad first-album-from-a-band has reared its ugly head. I cannot recall how I came across it, but the track Pluvius Aestivus fascinated me, and I picked up "Be" about a year and a half ago. Overall I thought it was good, but...
  15. ZenKeys88

    HeathenFest - GO SEE THIS SHOW!

    I'll be there at Jaxx! Really looking forward to this concert now, got off of class for it even.