Recent content by ZerovoreZ

  1. ZerovoreZ

    Sword Of Orion

    New Album "EquilibriuM" is officially released from Sword Of Orion, and can only be found on the band website: Infusing many elements of metal to form a sword of the hardest and purest metal.
  2. ZerovoreZ

    Getting Your Album Reviewed

    That's why it's best to buy digital directly from the artist's website. Such as mine.
  3. ZerovoreZ


    I was looking for the country and western honky tonk forum but I guess this will do. :loco:
  4. ZerovoreZ

    Industrial Metal

    I really like Fear Factory and Ministry although I've never considered Nailbomb industrial. You may like my tunes if you follow the link on my sig.