Recent content by Zombie_Kiuas

  1. Z

    Kiuas uses and abuses

    Okay. My main instrument is still the same bass although I'm looking for an endorsement deal at the moment. I have a few alternatives but nothing certain yet. My cab head is Mesa Boogie 1200w V12 Big Block Titan and it's a whopper! I've never ran out of juice with it. Actually I usually have it...
  2. Z

    Ask KIUAS

    Well, no really. I'm too lazy to do them myself and I haven't heard that someone would have made them anywhere. But maybe you can be the first one!
  3. Z

    Ask KIUAS

    It's early yet but I think Mikko has about 10ish songs ready that we can start rehearsing and compiling to masterpieces. We will start to record songs within this year and hopefully have the album ready early next year. There have been a few opportunities that we've had to explore that have...
  4. Z

    pictures of Kiuas in Sauna Open Air 08

    Yes I did, I jumped down from the drum riser and tore the ligament from the side of my knee. I can pretty much walk with my knee but the knee is still swollen and sore and can't take much stress on gigs. I have this cool terminator/cyborg-kind of support on my leg so I can somewhat perform...
  5. Z

    STUDIO sessions 2007

    If your balls explode you can use them as a percussion instument afterwards, just use a piece of string in between and voilá! :lol::zombie:
  6. Z

    KIUAS shows abroad

    Oh, never say never. Many of the not so popular bands from finland have toured the states as as warming act for bigger bands and maybe we'll do that same thing in the future. We certainly would seize any opportunity that comes to us, but yes, we will not probably be playing in the states for the...
  7. Z

    STUDIO sessions 2007

    We'll put a track list as soon we can, most of the songs are only with mysterious names such as "japan" and "pantera". :goggly: Full track list with actual names of the songs will be put here as soon we know them :lol:
  8. Z

    Did Anyone Catch This? Ari Koivunen 'Warrior Soul' Cover.

    It's always fun to hear someone else doing Kiuas :Smug::rock:
  9. Z

    Ask KIUAS

    My main weapon of mass destruction is a 5-string Warvick Vampyre sn. As a backup bass I have my old trusty warhorse 5-s Ibanez Soundgear (which is actually quite crappy IMHO). And I personally believe that we have found pretty much our own sound and our own angle to heavymetal in general so...
  10. Z

    Tribute to Kiuas

    Cool, very cool indeed. Lots of old pictures which is always fun to watch. Most of the pictures were taken by you I assume? (not regarding the "official" photos of course :goggly: )
  11. Z

    so..whats up with KIUAS??

    Yes, we are most probably sittin' around on our collective asses, maybe not most of the day but let's say a few hours atleast... All of us have civil jobs and we're not living the rock'n'roll-dream partying all day all night and writing music only when we're sober enough between world tours...
  12. Z

    mahdollista nähdä Joskus Kiuas Feat. COB

    Juu, ei meillä ainakaan mitään tuota vastaan olisi mutta COB:n pojat ovat sen verran kiireisiä että tuskin aikataulut kohtaisivat + COB on sen verran iiisoo nimi että he saavat varmaan kaikenlaisia toivomuksia, vierailupyyntöjä yms. enemmän kuin voisivat mitenkään mahdollisesti toteuttaa. Mutta...
  13. Z

    Kiuas StreetTeamiin etsii jäseniä!

    Moro. Laitetaan sitten nyt tännekin ilmoitusta siitä että Kiuas etsii StreetTeamiinsa jäseniä, mieluiten juuri isoimmista kaupungeista Suomesta. StreetTeamin jäsenet levittävät julisteita, flyereitä ja promoavat bändiä aina ja kaikkialla missä se vain on mahdollista. Vastineeksi tästä...
  14. Z

    Minkä biisin haluaisit eniten kuulla livenä ja miksi?

    Kannattaa vastata tuohon kysymykseen pitkään ja hartaasti, varsinkin jos Kiuas ei ole livenä soittanut omaa lempparibiisiäsi. Nyt kun on kaksi plättää tullut ulos biisejä on kuin mummolla epäilyttäviä iholäikkiä ja kaikkia ei aina voida soittaa keikalla. Mutta seuraamme mielenkiinnolla mitkä...
  15. Z

    Kysy Kiukaalta!

    Tuota Disciplinen uudelleenvetämistä on toki harkittu mutta ainakaan vielä se ei ole ajankohtaista. Voi tosin olla, että kyseinen kipale sovitetaan uudestaan hieman järkevämmäksi (eli suomenkielinen humppaosuus mäkkylään yms. turhat krääsät veke) ja siitä tulee yksi kappale seuraavalla levylle...