Recent content by ZombieAutopilot

  1. ZombieAutopilot

    Lamb of God

    The title thread says it all...
  2. ZombieAutopilot

    Whats This HxC Shit? (Hardcore Genre)

    Mmm I dont know man...I'm a big Lamb of God supporter so Its hard to listen to pure metal then go to a total different genre like that. I just get a feel for it like i can with LOG, COB, Machine Head etc. But thanks for your opinion man. Give me a few names of the "good" HxC bands and Ill...
  3. ZombieAutopilot

    Whats This HxC Shit? (Hardcore Genre)

    I cant stand it...its pointless and pathetic clashing of the drums with basic palm mutation of the guitar containing stupid ass breakdowns? Anyone care to vent this situation? :heh:
  4. ZombieAutopilot

    Hey Metal Heads And Metal Headetts

    Hey, I'm Joel. Fucking love metal! Metal all the way. Hope to have some good discussions on here and meet some cool people. Catch ya :)