
  1. AlexRiviere86

    Fenrir Rising - Fuego En Mi Interior (Heavy/Power Metal)

    I wanted to share with you our first single, a melodic power metal project called Fenrir Rising Jorge Brelis: Vocals Alex Riviere: Guitars , Keyboards and Programming Hope you like it! ImI
  2. Youth Against Christ

    Youth Against Christ (Black Metal/Blackgaze)

    Hi! My name is Gonzalo, i'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and I want to show you my one-man Black Metal/Blackgaze band called Youth Against Christ. You can find Youth Against Christ's first album, 'Meraki', on Bandcamp, YouTube or Spotify. The album was released this year on June 16th and it...
  3. G

    Reincidente Nocturno, new promo video from Velocidad 22

    Promo video from Heavy Metal band from Argentina Velocidad 22
  4. M

    Children Of Bodom Argentina

    Just wanted to make a post hoping that somebody related to the band read this and tells Alexi that PLEASE COME TO ARGENTINAAAAAAAAAAA WITH MEGADETH ON AUGUST 22TH!