asking alexandria

  1. Kairizion

    Death's Résumé (UK Based) Debut Single

    Hey all, This is my band's debut single 'The Black Dog', taken from our upcoming EP. It's pretty metalcorey so if that steers you away, no hard feelings, but if it doesn't check us out :) If you dig it, please drop us a like on Facebook too :P Many...
  2. T

    Asking Alexandria - THE BLACK (Guitar Lesson and Cover w/TABS)

    Just finished editing a guitar cover of Asking Alexandria's new single - "The Black"!! On screen guitar tabs, check it out!!
  3. T

    Asking Alexandria - THE BLACK (Guitar Lesson and Cover w/TABS)

    Just finished editing a guitar cover of Asking Alexandria's new single - "The Black"!! On screen guitar tabs, check it out!!