
  1. metaltrenches

    In Flames meets Amon Amarth with Astralborne (Track Premiere)

  2. MörkasteMörk

    New metal music from sweden! (Help us vote fort best song)

    Do you like metalbands as Darkest hour, the haunted, in flames? Make sure to check out Contra from Gothenburg Sweden, a fresh 5 man piece with a new album out on all streaming sites. If you give it a listen make sure to vote for best song.
  3. User-42

    Studio Fredman Drums demo

    I recently purchased the Fredrik Nordstrom drum library and made a quick demo of the Adrian Erlandsson pack, as well as Cymbal Pack 1. These sound great right out of the box but i did do a little mixing to fit the mix. Raw sounds can be found the the Fredman Digital website linked below. I do...
  4. Josh Delikan

    Lundgren M6 Pickups Demo!

    Hello! I've just uploaded a video demo of the monstrous Lundgren M6 set. They're loaded into my home-built explorer, Ice, which goes straight into Reaper. All tones are from EZMix 2. Mega riffage awaits!