
  1. Guitar_Freak1

    My Top 4 Metallica Riffs

    My latest cover video!
  2. Anthony_Terminal


    https://soundcloud.com/terminalhospitalityband Hi guys, After years of inactivity my band's started recording again - we'll be releasing a 10-track LP this year. I've made a soundcloud of the two almost-finished songs and our last recorded piece from 2014: MEAT KING PARTY: A thrashy, fast...
  3. H

    Heavy rock project from Sweden

    Hi all, My heavy rock project from Sweden "Complex Machinery" currently recording a full length. Take listen you might like it! Comments are appreciated. Youtube: Spotify:
  4. Branden Johns

    I guess I should've went here first...

    Like on a few other forums, I'd like to introduce myself properly... My friends call me BJ and i'm the bassist from the central WI hard-rock band, Killing Rapunzel. My band has just started to get into the online forum world, and we may have muddied up the wrong sections of some forums with our...