
  1. B

    Metallica Albums Ranked 10-1

    Ok so i just wanna know your peoples favorite Metallica albums ranked. **Suprisingly enough this is only my opinion** Here's my top 10. Number 10 - You guessed it, St. Anger. This might actually be pretty unfair because i don't really listen to this album a whole lot, but from what i've heard...
  2. F

    New member (internet radio)

    Hi, new here. ForTheLoveOfMusic radio is a 24/7 webradio aiming to promote new bands of many genres, mixed with the best classics. Alternative, indie, pop, rock, metal, dance, etc. With some themeshows like an hour of ProgRock and two hours Heavy Show. Go to the wbesite...
  3. F

    ForTheLoveOfMusic radio Heavy Show today

    Today from 22.00 (10PM) CET a new 2 hour Heavy show will start again on radio. Go the website to tune in to the likes of Metallica, Five Finger Death Punch, Sulphur, Judas Priest, Metal Church, Nu Pagadi, Ministry, Anthrax, Iron Maiden, Smilex, Mistur and Gateway
  4. P-Keisari

    Brutal / Technical Death Metal mix feedback

    Hi! Here's one song of my death metal band's upcoming release. The mix is pretty much done, but I would still like to hear some opinions and perspectives from people that dig this kind of music or are into music engineering. I have mixed / mastered and recorded this album all by myself (apart...