midi file

  1. jakeschemin

    Stems and DI's: Anime and Video Game Metal / Djent

    I recently started posting covers of anime and video game music. I have guitar DI's and bass/drum MIDI for all of these songs and could put it all together if anyone would like to use them for mixing practice. You will likely do a better job than I did because I am not very good at mixing :)...
  2. Urbanchaos20

    Bodysnatcher - Closer To Hell MIDI DRUMS (COLLAB?)

    Anyone want to collab on covering this song? I just finished up programming the drums right now and want to see if anyone out there wants to record the guitars (2 rhythms and 2 leads) and bass (3 Dis for mixing a 3 way signal Di/Grit/Amp) and Vocals (as many tracks as you need). Once everything...