
  1. M

    Play in a band and want to give your next album a bit of extra awesome?

    Hi Everyone!! A lot of metal bands nowadays use strings to make their tracks sound bigger. I think it would be better to add some melodies for a solo string instrument for a number of reasons, first of all because it sounds a lot more agressive. This is where I come in. My name is Marc and I...
  2. D

    Black Metal VOCALIST for 2 tracks.

    Greetings. I play Bass and do production for a black metal band from Greece, Thessaloniki. We are seeking for a session vocalist to record 2 tracks. Main influences: Aggaloch, Wolves in the Throne Room, etc. Everything will be provided (metronome, drum tracks, guitars, lyrics and raw vocal...
  3. BlastBeastiality

    Death/ Black/ Doom/ Grind Session Drummer Offering Services

    What's up guys? I am shane, the drummer from Flesh Consumed, Vaginal Bear Trap, Oppressive Force, In Oblivion, Images of Violence, Wilting Away, and Grieved. I run Smoke Break Studios, and am here to offer you drum tracks for you death meta, black metal, doom, grind, whatever-the-fuck band...