
  1. this-is-a-cool-username

    Digital Modeling of Amps and Speakers VS Analog/Tube (Survey)

    I hope it is okay to share this. I just need some general information of you, how you like modelers like the kemper and IRs and so on. I made this little survey. No strings attached i just need this for my thesis ... the results in a few weeks could be...
  2. JarekMusil

    BLIND TEST: Real cab vs. Audified IR

    . Hey all guitar maniax! Check out this blind test. Can you hear the difference? Is Audified IR technology close enough? . Which one do you think is the IR and which one is the real cabinet? . Gear used: M-Custom Guitars M-Strat guitar Boss SD-1 EVH 5150 III LBX (non-stock preAmp tube types) Two...