
Jul 31, 2005
St. Louis, MO

Foul Body Autopsy said:
Wow, I wouldn't expect to see that...

I'm starting to question Alexi's sexual preferences...I mean him partying in his undies with Roope and Timo, now kissing Janne!

May I ask, where did you get this pic?

why? you want more :loco: ?
"yea, like, fuck, we were, like, drunk and like, you know, like pissed, and like, you know, stuff happens, you know when like, you know we drink, and uh...shit.- Alexi
"yea, like, muthatrucker, we were, like muthatruckin, drunk and like, you know, like muthatruckin pissed, and like, you know, muthatruckin stuff happens, you know when like, you know we muthatruckin drink, and uh...shit MUTHATRUCKERRRRR.- Alexi

eva_dolly said:
how long will this stay will the Webführer will delete this post

He left my Pony thread up so... he's probably in hibernation. It'll maybe stay up until mid-spring?
Rocksane said:
''it's immature to think that when we kiss the same sex we are bi or gay''
What when you kiss the same sex, shave your belly, wear eyeliner, get married to an ugly chick, when you have groupies, and get divorced 5 minutes later and are photographed in agony when you're kissed by some groupie chick? That is what i remember.