01 of July, Trade/Want lists

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May 15, 2003
Mother Russia
Cds, all new for trade
if interested e-mail at lev_metal@mail.ru

1.Marduk “Nightwing” (Osmose/Fono)
2.Moonspell “Wolfheart” (Century/Fono)
3.Summoning “Let Mortal Heroes Sing…” (Napalm/Irond)
4.Rebaelliun “Annihilation” (Hammerheart/Fono)
5.Godgory “Sea of dreams/ Shadow`s dance” 2 CDs (Hammerheart/Fono)
6.Graveworm “Engraved in black” (Nuclear Blast/Irond)
7. Dark Tranquillity “The Gallery” (Osmose/Fono)
8. Barathrum “Venomous” (Spinefarm/Fono)
9. Severe Torture “Misanthropic Carnage” (Hammerheart/Fono)
10. Mithotyn “In the sign of the raven” (Hammerheart/Fono)
11. Sinister “Savage or grace” (Nuclear Blast/Irond)
12.Immolation “Close to a World Below” (Metal Blade/Fono)
13. Soul Demise “In Vain” (Season of Mist/CD-Maximum)
14. Capre Tenebrum “Dread chaotic reign” (Hammerheart/Fono)
15. The Duskfall “Frality” (Black Lotus/CD-Maximum)
16. Septic Flesh “Esoptron” (Holy/Irond)
17. Tiamat Wildhoney (Century/Fono)
18. Amon Amarth “The Crusher” (Metal Blade/Fono)
19. Thou Art Lord “DV8” (Black Lotus/CD-Maximum)
20. Bathory “Twilight of the gods” (Black Mark/Irond)
21. Kataklysm “The prophecy” (Nuclear Blast/Irond)
22. The Abyss “The other side and Summon the beast” (Nuclear Blast/Irond)
23. Dissection “The Somberlain” (No Fashion/Irond)
24. Gathering “Almost a dance” (Psychonaut/Irond)
25. Dark Funeral “The secrets of the Black Arts” (No Fashion/Irond)
26. Ancient Ceremony “Under Moonlight We Kiss” (Cacophonous/Irond)
27. Dissection “Storm of the Lights bane/Where dead angels lie” (Nuclear Blast/Irond)
28. Platitude “Secrets of life” (Scarlet/CD-Maximum)
29. Fairyland “Of wars in Osyrhia” (NTS/CD-Maximum)
31. Mucupurulent “Soul Reaver” (Morbid/CD-Maximum)
32. Edge of Sanity “Crimson” (Black Mark/Irond)
33. In Flames “Trigger” (Nuclear Blast/Irond)
34. Mysterium “Soulwards” (Prophecy/CD-Maximum)
35. Aborym “With no human intervention” (Code666/CD-Maximum) RESERVED
36. Alkemist “Meeting in the mist” (Nuclear Blast/Irond)
37. Edge of Sanity “Purgatory afterglow” (Black Mark/Irond)
38 Ajattara “Kuolema” (Spikefarm/Fono)
39. Barathrum “Okkult” (Spinefarm/Fono) RESERVED
40. Children of Bodom “Hate crew deathroll” (Spinefarm/Fono)
41. Finntroll “Visor om slatet” (Spikefarm/Fono)
42. Pazuzu “Awaken the dragon” (Hammerheart/Fono)
43. Hagalaz Runedance “Frigga`s web” (Hammerheart/Fono)
44. Impious “The Killer” (Hammerheart/Fono)
45. Grave Digger “Rheingold”(Nuclear Blast/Irond)
46. Sunseth Sphere “Storm before silence” (Hammerheart/Fono)
47. Aeternus “Shadows of old” (Hammerheart/Fono)
48. God dethroned “Ravenous” (Metal Blade/Fono)
49. For My Pain… “Fallen” (Spinefarm/Fono)
50. The Crown “Hell is here” (Metal Blade/Fono)
51. Sethian “Into the silence” (Spinefarm/Fono)
52. David Shankle Group “Ashes to ashes” (Nuclear Blast/Irond)
53. Extol “Synergy” (Century Media/Fono)
54. Edge of Sanity “The spectral sorrows” (Black Mark/Irond)
55. Helloween “Rabbit don`t come easy” (Nuclear Blast/Irond)
56. Lord Belial “Unholy Crusade”(No fashion/Irond)
57. Enslaved “Below the lights” (Osmose/Fono)
58. Thyrane “Hypnotic” (Spikefarm/Fono)
59. Six Feet Under “Warpath” (Metal Blade/Fono)
60. Cryhavoc “Sweetbriers” (Spinefarm/Fono)
61.Azaghal “Of Beasts and Vultures” (Evil Horde/CD-Maximum)
62. Neuraxis “Truth beyond” (Morbid Records/CD-Maximum)
63. Harem Scarem “The Early years” (Frontiers/CD-Maximum)
64. Green Carnation “A Blessing in disguise” (Season of Mist/CD-Maximum)
65. Rawhead Rexx “Diary in black” (AFM/CD-Maximum)
66. Evensong “Mysterium” (Displeased/CD-Maximum)
67. Artemesia “Apocryphal” (CD-Maximum) Rus. melodic black metal
68. Defiled “Divination” (Season of mist/CD-Maximum)
69. Crystal Blue “Detour” (Major MTM/CD-Maximum)
70. Acheron “Tribute to the devil`s music” (Black Lotus/CD-Maximum)
71. The old dead tree “The nameless disease” (Season of mist/CD-Maximum)
72. Moonsorrow “Tama ikuinen talvi” (Sagitarius/CD-Maximum)
73. Burns Blue “What if…” (Frontiers/CD-Maximum)
74. Bob Catley “When empires burn” (Frontiers/CD-Maximum)
75. Paul Chain “Park of reason” (Masterpiece/CD-Maximum)
76. Celtic Frost Tribute “Order of the tyrants” (Black Lotus/CD-Maximum)
77. Psypheria “Embrace the mutation” (Heretic Sound/CD-Maximum)
78. Ninnghizhidda “Blasphemy” (Displeased/CD-Maximum)
79. Hortus Animae “Waltzing Mephisto” (Black Lotus/CD-Maximum)

1. MX “Gone snipe hunting”(Radical) on hold
2. MX “ROCKZ” (Radical) on hold
3. MX “Super hero” (Radical) on hold
4. Ordained “The second coming” (Sinternational Rec.)
5. Soundtrack “Scary movie” (TVT)

+new CDs but hole punched booklet and back cover

1. Terror 2000 “Faster disaster” (Scarlet/CD-Maximum)
2. The Provenance “Still at arms length” (Scarlet/CD-Maximum)

+ promos
1.Hollow “Modern Cathedral” (NB)
2. Placenta “Atomic sterilization” (Witchhunt)

Burzum- Burzum/Aske
Burzum- Det som engang var
Burzum- Hvis lyset tar oss
Burzum- Daudi baldrs
Burzum- Hlidhskjalf
Burzum- Ragnarok
Mysticum- In the streams of inferno
Vlad Tepes- War funeral march
Enslaved- Vikingligr veldi
Enslaved- Frost
Carpathian forest- Through chasm…
Carpathian forest- Bloodlust and perversion
Mayhem- Pure fucking Armageddon
Mayhem- From the darkest past
Beherit- The oath of black blood
Beherit- Drawing down the moon
Kvist- For kunsten maa vi…
Nifelheim- S/T
Argentum- Ad interitum funebrarum
Lord wind- Heralds of fight
Dementor- The art of blasphemy
Moonblood- Blood and krieg
Belphegor- The last supper
Belphegor- Blutsabbath
Allegiance- Hymn til hangagud
Allegiance- Bloodornsoffer
Enthroned- Armoured bestial hell
Enthroned- The apocalypse manifesto
Ulver- Bergatt
Ulver- Kveldsanger
Ulver- The madrigal of the night
Ildjarn- Det frysende nordariket
Ildjarn- Forest poetry
Abruptum- Evil genius
Abruptum- De profundis…
Vodur- Stridsyvirlysing
The black- The priest of satan
Algaion- Oimai algeion
Algaion- Vox clamentis MCD
Gorgoroth- Pentagram
Gorgoroth- Antichrist
Ever dark- Not of God
Ever dark- Armageddon`s birth
Nastrond - Night eclipse
Nastrond- Toteslaut

And other black shit…. Offer !!!
