1 piece of Borknagar memorabilia for sale...

I don't know my be dodgy, seller has 0 feedback ;)

lovely guitar. Didn't know you lived in Canada Erik.
svältvinter;6504841 said:
What did U pay for it tyr?

Well, in Norway it cost around $6000, so allthough the starting price in this auction is very low, I'm hoping to get around $3500 for it.
The luthier that made it went bankrupt and had to close shop a couple of years ago as far as I know.
Holy shit.... it's a little expensive for me... I have a bass very similar to yours, tyr but with only 4 chords... it's a hand made bass by a local luthier and fretless too... but your bass is simply awesome!!!!!

maybe in a couple of years i can get it like that =P

And BTW, your bass work is one of the best of entire metal scene, I can compare with you only to Steve Di Giorgio and Sean Malone (from metal bass players)... your work on Empiricism and Origin is fantastic... you'd inspired me a lot!
If I had a job, I would most certainly buy that :erk::cry:.

No really, I've always wanted a bass like that, with a very clasical look yet a bass and electrical :headbang:.

Simply awesome, I wouldn't sell that but oh well it's your decision Erik :p.

Where in Canada do you live? (Don't worry I won't get a flight to go to Canada and molest you. Har har :lol::rolleyes:.)

Canada rules anyway :headbang:, Norway too :headbang: (crazy Norwegian girls o_O).
Here I am playing live with my bass... it's not a great pic, but you can check out the bass, the body is similar to an jazz bass
