10 things I hate about "modern metal"


New Metal Member
Jul 17, 2012
1.Most bands have inaudible bass guitar
2.Random,Over the top refrences to gore and violence
4.Flailing aka Hardcore dancing
5.low unappealing barking
6.Drums that are to loud (unbalanced mix)
7.Really random note choice and lack of song structure revered as being technical
8.Bree Breee!
9.The need to over emphysis on anger with no rhyme or reason
10.Undeveloped crummy production

These are just my dislikes of the general metal scene I'm not singling out one genre or band so don't get all pissy because of it If you agree cool if not flame on but I think its time as us being a creative sub culture to discern what each of us finds appealing or disgusting raher than say something is or isn't metal in the end its all metal just some of it is shit
1) haven't noticed this
2) doesn't classic death metal have the same
3) = screaming vocals? I don't mind them, some thrash bands had them anyway
4) don't blame the bands for that but I agree it is really stupid
5) don't know what you mean
6) I haven't noticed this
7) that's the case in almost all avant-garde bands imo
8) ?
9) only in the shitty bands
10) you're criticizing mainstream metal for being UNDERproduced?

Breee Breeee is a term used to refer to a vocal technique which uses an inhale to make a sound similar to a pig being stuck with an axe! Hence why it is also called "Pig Squealing"

I myself use it, but not like how you hear it commonly used, I tend to use it underneath a standard low scream which makes a cool dirty sound, or I use it for a single smooth long scream which I couldn't possibly pull off with an exhale but without making the "squeal" sound :)

Furthermore, regarding the top 10 I can see why all of those piss you off, I am in a deathcore band and I could be guilty of a few items on your list but most of the points can be tolerable if they are used in small doses :)

My main grip with modern metal is that it's not accepted by the rest of society, what can pop singers sing about being "Sexy" and advertise that towards little girls but a few guys with tattoos that talk about real issues get censored?? Bang out of order is you ask me! Haha ...... Rant over
Heavy Metal that was produced after the early twelfth century is a mere shadow of its former self.
1.Most bands have inaudible bass guitar
2.Random,Over the top refrences to gore and violence
4.Flailing aka Hardcore dancing
5.low unappealing barking
6.Drums that are to loud (unbalanced mix)
7.Really random note choice and lack of song structure revered as being technical
8.Bree Breee!
9.The need to over emphysis on anger with no rhyme or reason
10.Undeveloped crummy production

1) Not true given the ungodly amount of bass drops. They mix the bass at VERY low freqs, so if you're listening on shit headphones you can't hear it.
2) Yeah it's not at all like back when Venom and the early boys were all subtle and classy...
3) Shut up.
4) So you're really only talking about Hot Topic mallcore, right?
5) I thought you hated screeching?
7) Okay now you're singling out djent but doing so while making it obvious that you don't know a polyrhythm from a pollywog.
8) So you don't like screeches, low barks, and pig squeals. What's left in the extreme metal? You want clean singing? Rob Halford?
9) Yeah metal really needs to be more upbeat and positive.
10) You're retarded. If anything, the plague in modern metal is OVERproduction. Everything is sampled, triggered, normalized, quantized, tweaked and Pro Tools'ed all to fuck and back.

RESULT: you're a moron and your list is bad.
1.Most bands have inaudible bass guitar
2.Random,Over the top refrences to gore and violence
4.Flailing aka Hardcore dancing
5.low unappealing barking
6.Drums that are to loud (unbalanced mix)
7.Really random note choice and lack of song structure revered as being technical
8.Bree Breee!
9.The need to over emphysis on anger with no rhyme or reason
10.Undeveloped crummy production

1 - This is a common complaint with metal since its inception, has nothing to do with modern metal. I'd suggest getting a better sound system / headphones and listen to things other than 128 kbps mp3 files.
2 - Not all that random really. Again this has been something hand in hand with the genre since its inception.
3- Okay. Again, not a modern thing. Sorry you don't like screeching.
4 - What does this have to do with the music?
5 - Again, nothing new to metal to make it a 'modern' theme. Sorry you don't like low end grunts.
6 - More common in older metal than it is now. Either way, nothing new here...also this is far from a common theme.
7 - Happens sometimes, but again is far from common place. Maybe you can't handle things past streamlined riff structures?
8 - Yeah. I dislike that for the most part as well. But hey, its limited to a minute couple sub genres. I can avoid it with ease while enjoying insane amounts of music.
9 - Nothing new here. Don't like it? You might be in the wrong place. Should I point out that it really isn't as random as you suggest? naw.
10 - Again, this is more common place in older metal than 'modern' metal. Funny thing is, a lot of albums that are notorious for 'bad' production are actually classics. Look at how it benefited Nattens Madrigal. Don't know what I'm referring to? Get the fuck out.

These are just my dislikes of the general metal scene I'm not singling out one genre or band so don't get all pissy because of it If you agree cool if not flame on but I think its time as us being a creative sub culture to discern what each of us finds appealing or disgusting raher than say something is or isn't metal in the end its all metal just some of it is shit

Teh fux are you babbling about? Declaring something as 'not metal' instead of just plain stating how horrible it is was sooooooo back in the day of nu-metal.
1.Most bands have inaudible bass guitar
2.Random,Over the top refrences to gore and violence
4.Flailing aka Hardcore dancing
5.low unappealing barking
6.Drums that are to loud (unbalanced mix)
7.Really random note choice and lack of song structure revered as being technical
8.Bree Breee!
9.The need to over emphysis on anger with no rhyme or reason
10.Undeveloped crummy production

1. No
2. These are fucking awesome
3. Again, fucking awesome
4. ?
5. No
6. No
7. Wtf is wrong with you?
8. ?
9. No
10. Kinda true
1.thing I hate about "modern metal":

1.all the annoying "metal fans" who came with it and who are only complaining and bitching about how bad it is. make you own fucking bands.
I don't think he knows the difference between NWoAHM and modern metal.

Well most people refer the movement as modern metal, contrast to traditional metal bands like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Motorhead, and Iron Maiden.

This thread should be titles "10 things I hate about death metal/goregrind/pornogrind/such'n'such.