1000 post thread !!!! 666 !!!!11111

I got a 1,000 posts. :) Actually I posted just a minute ago and I saw ai had ON E THOUSAND And i got pissed cuz this thread was supposed to put me at 1,000 but oh well. YEAH GO MEE!!!! :LSDJF:OU@)#*R$&#$*&

0RGY!!!!!! *uh uh* as promised I shall post this exact thread in every single forum on UM.

I'm gonna be soooo hated. :heh: Man I rule.
illbeleavinnow said:
Watch me make it easier.

Dark Tranquility sucks!


*bites back burning desire to get scathingly sarcastic*

i... erm... "we are all entitled to our own opinion and as long as you know how to behapffffffff......" :lol: :lol: who am i kidding?
Ah, how come people like this survive til 1000 posts is
beyond me, you should have been flamed out ages ago.
Btw, being hated is easy, try being feared on a forum
and you can say you have achieved something.
Flaming is for losers. What do I care if someone tells me I'm gay or I'm stoopid or a n00b on a forum? :D And the other that's weird is negative rep. I hvea now officially gotten 6 negative rep comments, and my rep is turned off. Who gives negative rep to those who have rep turned off???? :lol:

@ rahvin, I was just kidding, I like DT. :) I'd post here often but there are too few people. =/
illbeleavinnow said:
@ rahvin, I was just kidding, I like DT. :) I'd post here often but there are too few people. =/

i know. i mean, i know you were joking. whether you like dt or not is none of my business. :p
and i was kidding too. in fact, the irony i so aptly avoided wouldn't even have been aimed at you. ;)
@illbeleavinnow: in my experience some users are just not willing to face the risk of things turning ugly. they like to wear their board like a glove, as it were, and an argument would upset them too much. add to this an unpleasant trend fostering total relativism in every aspect of life, and there you have this "to each his own" wish-wash.
what can we do about it? after all metallers are just big softies... ;)
Lol, how true. They seem to care so much about not arguing, as if it's gonna affect their real life in any way. I wish people would stop caring so much about their life on the forum. It's all for fun.

@ Steve, you gonna bad rep me again? :lol: I didn't do it to increase my post count. I don't care about it. I posted that for the sake of posting it. Looking back it was actually a pretty dumb thing to do people are getting so pissed off about it.

Plus, I love tweaking brittle people. [/Dilbert]
Yeah, you realized that you'd reached 1000 posts and you decided to start a thread here, and everywhere, because this is the second thread exactly with the same post that I find out today. :Smug: Spammers powah.

it makes you wonder, doesn't it? celebrating your birthday does not technically make you older, but celebrating your postcount affects the object of the celebration.
it seems pretty clear that this either carries along a bunch of philosophical theories or is a simple testimony of how little sleep i'm getting these days. o_O
It's the sleep rahvin. There are no philosophical theories in such a simple thing. :D Or are there? :err: I need to ponder this.

Dammit now I'm pondering the universe and how it can be inifinite.... how can anythig never end??? HOW???? Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I hate this!! HOW DAMMIT??? It obviously can't end, but it can't go on forever? Grrrrr. I'm pissed off.
illbeleavinnow said:
Well obviously I celebrated my 1,000 post in the Opteh forum and afterwards I posted in every other thread. Although I had more posts it was still celebrating my 1,000th.

oh, you're from the Opeth board, well, that would explain this
behavior and why you haven't been flamed to death yet.