1000th Post!

Originally posted by Eramaajarvi
Hey markgugs, what happened to Renske Witzen? Obviously he was a Nevermore fan....

As TrueBeliever already stated, SHE lost a battle with a brain tumor over the weekend, and 5 weeks before her 21st birthday. It was sad, so myself and many others that post regularly at the Neverforum chose to honor her memory by putting her RIP epitaph in our sigs.

Thanks for asking.
Originally posted by Eramaajarvi
Damn, I'm sorry... :cry: I just hate when those things happen. I mean, why??

I agree....I dont even post at the Nevermore forum btu when a member of the metal community dies, it really hits home ya know....
I alo had about 5 people who were close to me who died suring the last or this year...

I got lyrics about it. They're crappy, but I just had to get it out.
Stories from The Graveyard (part 1 - 5)