1134 broke up

I don't think the scene is falling apart. It still better than it was 2-3 years ago. There are still people who want to play metal, and still people who want to hear it. If the people who are into playing it can work things out, things will improve. Everyone is in this together, there should be no competitions in the already struggling local metal scene as it is. Scene or no scene, bands or no bands, I'm still gonna be in my own little world listening to and playing heavy metal.
I don't think the scene is falling apart. There are still a number of great bands still together and the msuicians are still there. They will form new bands and will be back stronger than ever.

I am also sure that there are some bands that haven't played shows but are working on stuff so you enever know whats going on. As long as metal is alive there will be a scene of some sort.

Like was already said. There should be no competition in such a small scene. We should all support each other, both fans and bands.
Competition sucks. How can you have a scene based on competition. That's putting off against each other. That's not what metal is about. Maybe other places in Canada band compete and try to blow the shit out of each other, but not here in little ol St.john's. That's just pipeline dreaming bullshit.