$12,000 To Sing With Def Leppard?

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
DEF LEPPARD Fan Bids $12,000 To Sing With The Group

An anonymous bidder has ended up paying the unbelievable amount of £7,625 (approx. $12,367) for the privilege of joining DEF LEPPARD for one song at soundcheck at the Hallam FM Arena in the group's hometown of Sheffield, England, on Feb. 20. All proceeds of the auction will go to Help A Hallam Child, helping sick and needy children from South Yorkshire and the North Midlands.
Has Testament ever thought of doing such a thing? Let's say "A day in the studio with Testament" during the recording of the next record. This could be auctioned on eBay. I know I would bid , but that's just me ..... would anyone else do this for Testament ?
Anyone who would play $12K to sing with Def Leopard has got some serious issues that all the money in the world couldn't resolve. And christ, for that much you'd think the band would let the moron duet during the show... not just the friggin' sound check!
Wait a minute....Def Leppard used to rock! You guys have to stop and think about something. We all have our favorite singers right? Well, shit, remember Ripper. This guy that paid that money for a soundcheck is probably hoping that someone will notice him. That's totally cool in my opinion that he does that.

That DOES NOT MAKE HIM A DUMBASS!! IMHO that guy has courage! More power to him!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally Posted By ValofValHalla: "Wait a minute....Def Leppard used to rock! "

Their first 3 albums are total classics for me, but all the rest are Pop-Rock.
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally Posted By ValofValHalla: "Wait a minute....Def Leppard used to rock! "

Their first 3 albums are total classics for me, but all the rest are Pop-Rock.

the PYROMANIA TOUR in 82 was such a great show! Can you believe that Billy Squire and Eddy Money played on the same stage DE?
Originally posted by HUNGER OF THE UNDEAD
Pretty wild. I hope the winner demands to sing something off High N Dry like Let it Go, High n Dry or Hit n Run....oh wait those fags wont play those songs anymore:lol:
