12 Monkeys

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
Anyone seen this recently? Watched it last night for the first time since seeing in the theater. Holy crap, what an amazing film. See it twice if you have not already.

I think the part that got me the most was that the time traveler from the future loved listening to advertisements on the radio. So awesome.
One of my favourites! It's on my short list of movies I watch every year. Also props to Brad Pitt for playing the lunatic; something he has done well in other movies too.

My favourite classic remains Terminator 2 though. As simple as it may be on the surface, the asmosphere and ideas behind that movie are hard to forget. Just the intro of a burning playground is enough to make me shiver. Not to speak of that nuclear bomb-vision...
One of my all time favorite movies!
The atmosphere in that movie is just insane.. and i love how you always notice something new each time you watch it. :)
Good movie! Can't go wrong with Willis. Another similar epic movie: "Contagion". Check it out!