$1300 for a mic or mic and preamp

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.

I'm thinking ISA one and AT4050 unless someone has a better idea. Other ideas are blue reactor + SM7b + ISA one but that pushes it a little in terms of budget.

I'm going from xmax pres and a studio projects C1 so anything at this point is going to be an impressive improvement. :lol:

I am sort of leaning toward a multi pattern LDC though. Probably going used on the preamp, don't really want to go used on the LDC.
SM7b and WA12

Why is the WA12 seemingly so hard to find? Tried Alto Music and they don't have that model.

I actually have no idea what price the WA12 goes for.

EDIT: NM found on on zzounds.com and read the info. Seems interesting for preamp, do you have one?

EDIT 2: My reason for the ISA one choice is due to my familarity with the ISA 430.

EDIT 3: I need/want a LDC for clean vocals so if you suggest I should snag the 7b I need a suggestion for a LDC. I kind of dig the reactor in terms of design, size and reviews. I have no idea where the fuck I can go hear one though.
Yeah I have both the Shure and the Warm. I was using stock pres in my Firestudio and bought a Eureka. The Eureka definitely helped with having a cleaner signal and the added eq and comp helped quite a bit with tracking vocals and bass. I was able to snag my WA12 on CL for super cheap.

The first thing I noticed about this pre was the amount on clean gain it had even compared to the Eureka. The SM7b is an awesome mic, but if you pair it up with a shitty preamp you just kind of fight with it the whole time to sound right. I used to have to crank my older pres and then do a bit of processing to get things to fit and it was just kind of a pain in the ass to make things fit. I plan on eventually swapping out the op amps and transformer in the Eureka so it can be somewhat in the same light as my WA12 as far as super quiet gain. Just with the WA12 being so clean and open, it really just changed how my SM7b sounded. It was kind of cool because like when I got my Eureka I remember thinking "damn so this is what a good clean preamp sounds like"... I had that feeling all over again with the Warm.

The other thing I noticed was that I pretty much didn't need to use a de-esser plug at all with this combination. And that wasn't even with the tone button engaged. SUPER smooth high end. I don't own any other nice preamps other than my Eureka, but I fucking love my WA12 and guarantee anyone would be happy with it.

The tone button is tight because I feel like it changes the sound of the pre entirely. Best way to describe it is that it rolls off the highs and focuses way in on the low mids and mids and sounds really cool when engaged on highgain guitars. It helps reduce fizz pretty well.

As far as the ISA, I've never used it personally but it gets mixed reviews from what I've seen. Some people say it sounds awesome, but I've seen others say they just flat do not like the way it sounds. I feel like it might be kind of the same thing as the Eureka but a little better. BUT I will say that the amount of features you get with the ISA stuff is pretty cool with variable impedance and the adjustable HP filter and VU meter and optional A/D.

IME though the Warm exceeded my expectations and I'm definitely getting more of their products. I want to get a pair of TB12s and I am 100% FUCKED when that Lindell 10 slot lunchbox comes out because I am going to go crazy with 500 series stuff...

In regards to a nice LDC I think most people will suggest AT4050, KSM stuff, Joly Mod stuff or like a c214. I have two original NT2s and they sound pretty alright to me. If I'm going to drop any cash on a good LDC it would be the tried and true (and expensive) ones. But I'm totally happy with what I have for now.
Check out Stellar mics for your condenser. CM-5 or CM-6 should br great, depending on your needs. I just "downgraded" from an AT4060 to one of each of the Stellars and both KILL the Audio Technica. I've honestly never been this excite about an LDC in my life.
Check out Stellar mics for your condenser. CM-5 or CM-6 should br great, depending on your needs. I just "downgraded" from an AT4060 to one of each of the Stellars and both KILL the Audio Technica. I've honestly never been this excite about an LDC in my life.

never heard of these mics, they look pretty awesome for the price if they sound good!
never heard of these mics, they look pretty awesome for the price if they sound good!

Honestly, I was VERY skeptical... I was planning on buying a mic in the $1300+ range, but a guy on Gearslutz turned me on to Stellar and there was a guy selling both mics in the classifieds, with NOS tubes in them, for a good price, so I decided it was worth the risk.

Honestly, SUPER happy. I've never used a mic that didn't have that "Chinese top end" that cost under $1500 or more, but neither of these have it. I though the differences would be much more drastic between the two (one's supposedly a U47 clone and the other a C800), but I find them to compliment eachother very well. Could just be the tubes in it, though. I was expecting one to be much more rounded and the other to brighter, but the differences aren't quite that large, at least on mine. Both sound fantastic, though, I still haven't decided which I prefer on my voice, but the CM-5 sounds pretty epic on my acoustic (not that the 6 is worse, though!) :kickass:

For the price, honestly I don't think you can go wrong. They're the same concept as the Advanced Audio mics, except they're sold directly from the manufacturer, so they're WAY cheaper. Same quality of parts, and in some cases, even better parts. I've heard changing the grille basket on them can do wonders, too, which is something I might consider down the line.

So far, very pleased with them. Much better than any other LDC I've owned and equally as usable as the vintage U87 I've used on several occasions.

As far as the rest of your budget is concerned - I'd buy the SM7b used for ~$250 and then spend $600 on a Seventh Circle Audio N72 in a One-Shot Chassis. That gives you $415-500 for the Stellar, $250 for the SM7b and $600 for the N72. Little overbudget, but well worth it IMO. Warm Audio is a cool mic, but an API style pre wouldn't be my first choice for every vocalist. Neve would kill on vocals and guitar, and the N72 is one of the best you can buy, and at $600 is a STEAL.
Anyone have an opinion of the black lion 1073 clone? It falls between the cheap price of the golden age and the expensive price of a BAE. :lol:


The only thing that worries me about this fucker is I will almost certainly end up going and comparing it to a BAE and a real 1073 and I'm probably going to be disappoint.
I have an ISA one. I it's perfect for tons of clean gain and it's very transparent. That being said, I wish I had something a bit more colored sounding. ISA one and Sm7b is tried and true. That's what I have and they are great
i dont have it in hand yet, but i ended up going with a Golden Age 573 (500 series version). from the research i did it seems like you might as well get the GA if you are not going to pony up for a BAE/Neve/AMS. i think the difference between the GA and a mid level 1073 clone would be marginal.
Seriously - Is there a reason you're not considering the SCA N72? For the quality you're getting, it's pretty ridiculous... you don't even have to build it yourself, and the OneShot chassis has a DI built in...

I found the GAP Pre-73 to be pretty muddy. Sounds cool on guitars and drums, cause it really beefs them up, but I didn't like that thing on vocals at all. I own an ISA 428 MKI - Cool preamp, but now that I've gotten my SCA pres, I don't touch it for anything but instrument DIs, and will actually be listing it for sale soon. Not even in the same league as my SCA pres, as far as I'm concerned.