

Aug 2, 2002
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half of my department is being sent to another site today and i won't see them very much anymore. all my favorite people too :( i'll be left with mostly the really quiet and boring people and the director that hates me =[ they're all packing their stuff right now and it's bumming me out. come monday my office will be quiet and empty and sucky.

yea i just keep saying.... well... i'm outta here. unfortunately august feels sort of far away.
i'm really worried that when my boss leaves in a few months that this asswipe gerard will be my new boss, in which case i will have to assassinate him (not kidding) or poison myself.
the old guy (alex) is already in another department on the 4th floor, but he has to come up here for things going on with his clients (he's a social worker, i'm in the legal department)
i'm trying to just wait and see what happens. a few people are already looking for new jobs, but i think that's sort of jumping the gun. things here are going to change a lot. changes always sort of make time go by fast so i figure i'll just wait and see how it settles out. in the meantime i'm going to have to be a serious bitch to gerard so if he ends up being my boss he doesn't try to push me around (he's very pushy with women, dislikes women, and is a micromanager who has meetings with 'agendas' printed out)
so we just had their going away pizza party which included:

-nadia and i bursting into tears over the fact that i wouldnt be able to block the bathroom door when she had to go (she can't go if someone else is in the room)
- the mean heavy girl (who is staying) exclaiming that she HAD to have diet soda because she's diabetic and can't have sugar. then having her eat 7 pieces of pizza and THEN eating a huge piece of chocolate cake.
- me eating all the crust off of karline's pizza when she wasn't looking.
- me eating salad and having onion breath
- me drinking like 8 sodas and feeling puffy
- the evil director giving an annoyingly long speech that didn't make much sense and then making an anit-dominican joke.
no omg no. the reese's girl is actually really nice to me now, although she's still very heavy but has moved on to jelly belly jelly beans. the mean girl works for immigration team 3 and on my first day here she called me anorexic (i had cancer at the time, BITCH!) and she admits to hating my guts.