
Mr. Black

sixtie and six legions
Frost has started working with a band called 1349 and Satyricon's Dark Medieval Times album also has this date mentioned a few times in the sleave notes...i was wondering if anyone here knew what the relvance of this date is? i know it to be the date that is generally acepted for the black death/plauge coming to Norway, but i was wondering if it had other significance?
i think that's the year the plague was at it's worst all over europe. or possibly the year it struck all over europe.
1348-50 were the worst years during the Plague in Europe (the Black Death). In 1349 it reached Norway, so I guess that is why that particular year is being used by the Norwegian black metallers...
France (by Marseille) was touched by the plague at the end of 1347, but England and Germany were touched only in 1349

In Strasbourg, , in february 1349 (the day of St Valentin exactly),
2000 Jews were burned alive because they were accused of
being guilty of the plague ...
(it's because the pope had said something against the jews in 1348)
Yes Aegis I remember reading about that in school many years ago. How the hell they managed to put the blame on the jews is beyond me :confused: Well the Christian church has always been quick to put blame on however just to get their way. Fucking bastards... :bah:
the worst is that they were killed before the plague reached Strasbourg (who was touched a few weeks after that)

actually historians think it was due to the greed of the rich who wanted the possessions of the jews or had some debts (tradionally, jews were bankers, so had some money)
they had found a good reason to pick their money, so ...

ahhh ... the good old time :(