15. July

FUCK ! I've just seen in guestbook that one guy has been in record store and they told him that single is canceled. If it is true I'll kill myself !
I already sent my money to Spinefarm (a month ago), and waited so long. And now this...:(
Here's reply to me from Spinefarm's staff to me when I asked about You're Better off dead:

"sinkku on siirtynyt ja heti kun tiedämme uuden päivän
ilmoitamme sen välittömästi - tässä vaiheessa emme osaa
sanoa mitään tarkempaa."

english translation:

"single's release date is changed and right when we'll know the new date we will inform it immediately to you - we can't yet say anything more detailed information."

So, it's going to delay still :cry:
blää.. I had hoped to hear it now so I could make some opinions and questions up .......
bad job this is... delaying the date all the time..