15 more days!


New Metal Member
Mar 17, 2007
Just wondering how many of you out there are as excited about May 1st as I am....Rush - Snakes and Arrows!!!!!!!!!

I really do think this album is going to be amazing (like any Rush album wouldnt).

Side note: cant wait for the Dream Theater album on June 5th...and get to see Rush and DT both on tour here in So Cal in THE SAME WEEK...shaping up to be the best summer ever!
Nice to see a new post about something that is actually huge!

It does not get any better in one week than these two heavyweights.

How cool is this one.

Just wondering how many of you out there are as excited about May 1st as I am....Rush - Snakes and Arrows!!!!!!!!!

I really do think this album is going to be amazing (like any Rush album wouldnt).

Side note: cant wait for the Dream Theater album on June 5th...and get to see Rush and DT both on tour here in So Cal in THE SAME WEEK...shaping up to be the best summer ever!
Have already heard 3 tunes from the upcoming Cd....

Far Cry - absolutely rocks! :headbang:

Malignant Narcissism (MalNar) - awesome instrumental! :worship:

Spindrift - a bit disappointing, no hook.....:cry:

Hopefully the rest of the songs are up to par.....after a let down with Vapor Trails....:OMG:
Got my tickets for West Palm beach show.... preordered the CD and tshirt....

I'm ready for SURE

VERY eager to hear the album - I really liked Vapor Trails but want to see if they have created a 'new' classic like Counterparts.... :headbang: