1997 - One of the most amazing years in prog metal


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I was just thinking today of all the amazing prog metal masterpieces and noticed how so many came out in 1997. Here are just a few:

Fates Warning - A Pleasant Shade of Gray
Pain of Salvation - Entropia
Eternity X - The Edge
Conception - Flow

Can you beat that? :)

NP: Conception - Flow
Cheiron said:
Dream Theater - Falling into Infinity

This album is usually not given a lot of credit for some reason. Most DT fans kinda forget about it; probably because the songs are much more straightforward and less proggy. Glad to see you giving it kudos Cheiron. I would go out on a limb and say it's my second fav album only after Images and Words. A good friend of mine came over last weekend and popped it in out of the blue. I totally enjoyed it all over again :)
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Dead Winter Dead and Wake of Magellan were both proggy enough that they sent much of the Savatage faithful running for the door. Not me, of course. I like a little prog with my metal. :rock:

...twom was my 1st and what got me into savatage...and where i met my long-haired hippie freak...:rock:

...i even went to 'build-a-bear' and 'built' a bunny and named him 'magellan'...awww
Flavio CotM said:
I'm still trying to figure out why Queensryche is considered prog myself???
One thing is for sure though, Queensryche did not release an amazing metal nor prog metal masterpiece in 1997 :lol: (Which is the year they released "Hear In The Now Frontier"..)
Flavio CotM said:
I'm still trying to figure out why Queensryche is considered prog myself???

Because writing an elaborate concept album with lots of 'extra' production (backing tracks, story dialogue, etc.) like Mindcrime was pretty darned progressive when they did it.

If QR hadn't done O:M, I wonder where they'd be slotted in the metal pantheon?