1st recording with new rig. Drums only. (Firestudio/DigimaxFS/NT4/JTS drum mics)

Benny H

Nov 6, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
http://www.upload.celtiaproductions.co.uk/uploads/benz drum jam mix ffs.mp3

It's just me fucking around on drums. As the title says it's the first recording I did with my new mobile setup.. my first proper setup really. Was kind of a test run, recorded in a dodgy rehearsal room.

Rode NT4 OH
The rest is the JTS clip on condensers and kick mics from these drum packs...
.. I got 2 of them.

Recorded a week ago.. did this mix just now testing out the MH channel strip demo. And btw.. all my cymbals bar 1 and maybe the hi hats are pretty fucking terrible, but to the point of being almost nicely trashy IMO.

Any comments welcome.
I'm a drummer too and I think your playing was awesome! Very original!

Did you mix this without samples? If so, I'm damn impressed and even if you did, it sounds VERY natural... either way its awesome man. Really nice
Hey thanks dudes! I don't get to play much but damn it's fun to just let loose when I do get the chance. Got an electronic kit but it's just not the same.. so uninspiring that I barely touch it anymore, even though I do have bunch of stuff I'm supposed to be learning!

No samples.
These JTS sound very well...How much a set costs?
Do you think a wireless mic could lost a little amount of signal (= worse quality) compared to traditional mics?