2 Day Hangovers ftl


Mar 9, 2009
Was my birthday last week, went out all weekend... decided on Saturday that I'd try and drink a Jäger for every year of my life. I'd had 1 on Friday night, drank 16 on Saturday night and 11 on Sunday. Mix this up with a lot of cider, a few Southern Comforts and a total lack of interest in eating = a motherfuckin hangover from hell.

I was drunk all day yesterday and I never had a drink. I had 2 hours sleep and all I've managed to eat is toast.

Stomach is so sore :( The thought of eating disgusts me.

Someone give me a hug haha.
Next time, replace your electrolytes before you sleep with something like Gatorade and take some B group vitamins, and your hangover wont be as severe.
If not the night before, the day of the hangover and the hangover will not last as long.
A lot of the hangover is to do with dehydration and big deficiencies in B group vitamins, so if you can replace those, you'll be somewhat good to go.

Edit : Jeff beat me to the point about electrolyte replacement lol
You guys are gentlemen!

All I really did was drink water yesterday. Thankfully, I haven't been sick. But I feel it's adding to the pain and total discomfort in my stomach. Gonna hit up the chemist shortly.
You Scott's know how to drink :)... Good luck recovering!

It was a challenge. I don't remember who set it and if I ever do, I'll hurt them. But fuck it was fun.

I was so wasted on Sunday. One of my mates saw me walking home, pulling the strangest faces and talking to myself. I must have fallen over because my jacket is very dirty.

My dog must've had sympathy pains for me yesterday... she threw up while I was in the shower. Just what I needed!
ohhh i thought i had it bad this weekend dude, sympathies, friday i went to stay in a hotel with my girl and like thrity of her family for her grandfathers 80th birthday, i thought it would be a snooze fest but my god her family are excellant, sure know how to throw a party, everyone in there family is musical, there was acoustic guitars, aunties singing opera, the works, the hotel let us take over a conferance room and we were all allowed to pile in there with our own booze, after a few beers and a bottle of captain morgans, i felt like shit the next day, really awful
Haha. Br00tal! Sounds like a fucking great time man :)

My stomach is finally feeling like normal again. I actually think the cup of tea I had sorted it.. well, that was the last thing I had and I've felt better since then. Been down to work at the college and it's a mega sunny day here and they have the heating on full blast. I was sweating like a motherfucker. The women in the offices were asking me if I was ok. Must've looked green!

Maybe we should put together a Sneap Drinking Weekend somewhere. Hell, with the Irish, the Scottish and the Germans, that'd be a fuckin hardcore session!
I take your two days hangover and raise it with 5days hangovers.
Yep, takes my body and mind about 5 days to be back to normal after a night of mid-to-heavy drinking.

Fucking sucks.

EDIT: But im gonna check out pedialyte.. thanks for the tip.
5 days? Fyl.

At what point do you stop feeling drunk? haha

Haha, well im usual sober again around the next day evening.
But my stomach is fucked and my body is shaking and my senses is really touchy (like when you have a flu) for the next couple of days.. combine that with it also mentally fucks me a bit.

Sometimes I wonder why I even drink haha.
I hear that, I used to drink quite a lot but the over the last year my hangovers have been stretching past 2 days, and I also get pretty fucked up mentally for at least two days.
Haha, well im usual sober again around the next day evening.
But my stomach is fucked and my body is shaking and my senses is really touchy (like when you have a flu) for the next couple of days.. combine that with it also mentally fucks me a bit.

Sometimes I wonder why I even drink haha.

I absolutely share your pain here man...

I get super fucking paranoid when I'm hungover the next day and also get the shakes and nothing quite seems right. I can't think, eat or anything. The ONLY cure I have ever found is more booze, just enough to take the edge of reality again and then I'm usually okay the day after.

And likewise, it doesn't stop me going out and getting shit faced all the time! haha.

I'm pretty sure I do have a drinking problem though!
^ Being a daily beer drinker and occasional "party drinker" I can say: "Bite the dog that bit you"

Always helps, followed by food and water (when you feel better) and sleep. Next day, "right as rain". ;)
Yeah, I did the whole... keep drinking thing. My birthday was Wednesday and I was out everyday from then. I had to recover yesterday so I could make work today.

Feel better now, despite my weird throat.
Well, you did drink excessively . . . days on end. It's a wonder why you're not throwing up. Must be in the blood. ;)

Happy late birthday!
Not sure if you can find it on Scotland, but coconut water is the best thing to cure a hangover.


By the way, the worst hangover I´ve ever had was with a scottish whiskey, Johnnie Walker Green Label. That bottle was cursed or something.
Sounds like you guys need something from the 5th food group: the gravy group

I can't drink like I could ten years ago, but nothing ever set my system right as well as a hot beef sandwich

Well, you did drink excessively . . . days on end. It's a wonder why you're not throwing up. Must be in the blood. ;)

Happy late birthday!

The dog spewed.. she wasn't drinking, but she clearly didn't like the look of me yesterday morning.

Thanks man :)

Not sure if you can find it on Scotland, but coconut water is the best thing to cure a hangover.


Couldn't think of anything wor...

By the way, the worst hangover I´ve ever had was with a scottish whiskey, Johnnie Walker Green Label. That bottle was cursed or something.

Ok, changed my mind, Whisky is well worse! We do not get on. My brother and I drank a crate of beer and then a whole bottle of Highland Park one night. He collapsed at the top of the stairs and I surfed down the stairs on a blow up bed which burst. That was my bed for the night. Woke up with spew all over me on his sitting room floor.. on the deflated blow up bed. Not good. I thought that hangover was really bad... until yesterday!

Sounds like you guys need something from the 5th food group: the gravy group

I can't drink like I could ten years ago, but nothing ever set my system right as well as a hot beef sandwich


Graaaaavy! Om nom!

Not quite the same, but I went to the butchers and got some beef sausages and some rolls. Did the trick!

Also visited my sister... she gave me 24 cans of cider. Thanks sis! haha
He collapsed at the top of the stairs and I surfed down the stairs on a blow up bed which burst. That was my bed for the night. Woke up with spew all over me on his sitting room floor.. on the deflated blow up bed. Not good. I thought that hangover was really bad... until yesterday!

haha whiskey and beer will do that, that whole situation doesnt seem unfamiliar to me :lol:

as for getting a sneap drinking session, it would be mayhem probly, as you said with the irish, scots, germans and the finnish, we should shud all bunch our money together and take MIDEM by storm next year, just have a sneap stall :lol: