2 lead and 2 rythm...


Mar 18, 2007
hey guys, I just recorded 4 tracks of guitars and now Im trying to lear how ot separate the lead from the ryhthm....like the common KsE riffs. Im using eq and have read the forum but I cant seem to get it to sound any good,
I have a good tone and everything.
and Iam using LR 100 on lead, and on rythm LR 80.
anyone have any suggestion what you guys use ? just to get some new ideas..


well...I sitting here for hours trying to get them clean....but still no progress...can I upload the raw and someone can try ? and hehe tell me what u did....
First, I'd put the rhythm on the 'outside' to serve as the backdrop for the leads, if they're really that important. Second, if you're doubling them and they're proper leads I'd like to know what they're doing off to the sides - singles are usually good for leads, unless you're using them as another piece in the rhythm section. Third, I'm assuming you've already tried compressing the leads to make them more even and keep them on top - if you haven't done that, do it.

Clips would be lovely, now that I think about it a bit. The description is a little vague.

EDIT: Upload whatever raw you can to Gavin's server and I'll have a shot at it. Just about a thirty-second clip of it so I can show you what I'd do, the whole thing would be overdoing it.
