2 New Tracks I Recently Produced


Apr 8, 2006
Hey guys,
Got a couple of new tracks up I produced. One is by a band called Evita, album is due for release 2moz i believe, on Basick Records and the other is by a band called All Hail The Ruin, which is on Glasstone Records. Tell me what you think,
Cheers :kickass:

This stuff sounds great man. I love the guitar tone in Evita and it sits really well with the bass drum. What did you use to record it?
ah nice one mate, was quad tracked. we used a Triple X through a Mesa Cab and a 6505 through a peavey cab, with one sm57 on axis
you produced the NQG album?
my old band gigged with them a while back, nice lads, and tight as fuck!

im not digging the evita guitars too much from a conventional standpoint, IS DAT SUM HONK?!
but i do however dig the weird character of the mix overall
its refreshing to hear something a bit different sounding.
ah thats cool man, each to there own, we didnt go for a straight forward covential sound as such, thought it turned out pretty cool though,
Not the album, that was the rising records guy (all shall say the dodgy as fuck records), I did the 3 track sampler which was after, late last year. Should be doing there new albums sometime this year though, top blokes to.
yeah thats the one i meant, the one with the cleaver on the cover
i remember hearing that when it came out and thinking the production was fucking amazing, so props t that
and yeah rising records were aparrently scoping us out and i hear about the fucking debt nato got into with them and i just lol'd
cunts, i swear

and yeah theyre nice lads man, was a pleasure gigging with them and i cant say that about many bands

and yeah man, its good that you didnt go for the normal fiddy juan slate samples ampeg sm7 metal mix
getting tired as fuck of that
the production on that evita stuff may not be "perfect" but its a hell of a lot more interesting, total brownie points with me bro haha