2 Rhode NT1A's as drum overheads...any good?


I need a beer...
Apr 12, 2009
So i got a hold of a second Rhode NT1-A to match the one I already own. My friend had an idea to try and use them as drum overheads in A-B. Anyone has any experience with this?

I'm gonna try either way see how it sounds but figure I'd ask here maybe someone would go "HELL NO!! DON'T EVEN TRY"..lol.. Right now I'm using SAMSON CO2's.
I would try the Sampson's as a spaced pair as high as you can get them, getting mostly cymbals from overhead and put the Rode's 6 to 8 feet in front of the kit about 10 to 12 feet apart and probably around 3 feet off the floor. Then blend together all mics used to taste, using the Rodes as the body of the kit.
super bright mics

do what you can to tame HF reflections, and possibly have the mics a little off-axis from the cymbals