20-something discs for sale [supplies going fast!]


fruit of failure's loins
Feb 28, 2006
XAborted - The Archaic Abattoir (Belgian death metal) $7
Abysmal - The Pillorian Age (blackened doom from Norway. KVLT!) $10
Agent Steel - Order of the Illuminati (California speed metal) $7
XAngelCorpse - Iron, Blood & Blasphemy (a collection of unholy death!) $7
Azaghal - Mustamaa (elite Finnish BM) $7
Azrael - Act III: Self + Act IV: Goat (two discs worth of esoteric USBM) $9
XBeherit - Drawing Down the Moon (A veritable KVLT KLASSICK) $8
Carpathian Forest - Fuck You All!!! (A fat dude in S&M gear, plus some other unsavory characters) $7
XCephalic Carnage - Anomalies (blah blah Relapse grind) $7
Cerberus Shoal - …And Farewell To Hightide (indie rock) $6
Defleshed - Under the Blade (Death/thrash a-la The Crown) $7
XDisciples of Mockery/Womb split CD (Savage dark DM f/ ex-Incantation members from the Onward to Golgotha lineup!) $8
Don Caballero - 2 (...before they were on Relapse) $8
Engorged - Death Metal Attack 2 (It's on Razorback and it's OUT OF PRINT, so I'm sure there's a market for it) $15
Fates Warning - Still Life (prog metal live double disc) $7
Grifters, The - Ain't My Lookout (indie rock not unlike Dinosaur Jr.) $5
Kalibas - Enthusiastic Corruption of the Common Good (I think one of these guys used to post here, or something) $4
Luciferion - The Apostate (Swedish DM that sounds kinda like Deicide, but with keyboards) $6
Mercyless - Coloured Funeral (Old-school French death metal) $8
Nocturnal Breed - Aggressor (black/thrash attack!) $8
Orphaned Land - The Beloved's Cry (Israel's answer to early Paradise Lost) $7
Pathology Stench - Accion Mutante (brutal death metal from Slovakia, not unlike Cannibal Corpse) $7
Ravenous, The - Assembled In Blasphemy (Autopsy redux. Features Chris Reifert, Danny Lilker and the midget from Necrophagia) $7
Samain - Indomitus (Obscure Pagan black metal from Australia. Worth a buy if you enjoy early Enslaved) $9
Squash Bowels - The Mass Rotting, The Mass Sickening (Czech Goregrind! Everyone loves it!) $7
XSuffocation - Suffocation ('nuff said) $7

I'm willing to listen to trade proposals only if you can offer one of the following:

Adramelech - Pure Blood Doom
Iniquity - Serenadium
October Tide - Rain Without End
Alchemist - Spiritech
Drudkh - Forgotten Legends
Runemagick - Moon of the Chaos Eclipse
Runemagick - Requiem of the Apocalypse
Dolorian - When All the Laughter Has Gone
Drawn & Quartered - Return of the Black Death
Deceased - Fearless Undead Machines
Holy Terror - Terror and Submission
Holy Terror - Mind Wars
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Void of Silence - Criteria ov 666
The Lord Weird Slough-Feg - S/T

Otherwise, pony up the cash

email: z-chromosome@hotmail.com