20 with Eddie Trunk

True he doesn't look metal, but you know what, neither do I!!!!!
That's what's great about not fitting the "stereo type."
It's a fun interview & I watch his Metal Mania show...
TVF since you lost all the weight, I can't exactly call you "fat."
Though, I have gained about 15 pounds for you since I stopped smoking...
sixxswine said:
True he doesn't look metal, but you know what, neither do I!!!!!
That's what's great about not fitting the "stereo type."
It's a fun interview & I watch his Metal Mania show...

hahaha yeah I watch the show too ... and it is nice to have a classic Metal Show on! ... and ya know I have Never seen you after all these years but I knew that ... me on the other hand I am completely Stereotypical Leather Jacket concert shirt all Black all that shit but thats not to say I'm a poser for doing it! not that I think your saying I am I know your not ... I have been dressed like this loooooooooooooooong before it was cool to do so again I dress how I like .. it has nothing to do with "Metal Fassion" its just how I like to dress ... funny thing is I dont dress like Modern Metal kids do and I dont dress like they did in '88 I dress like Jonny D so whenever I go to a show I feel out of place Like when I went to Queensryche last year I was one of prolly 3 non Closet Metal Heads (I am proud of what I am and wear it like a badge) everybody was clean cut and waaaaay to mellow ... but then again 3 weeks ago at Into Eternity I was one of prolly 3 Metal Heads that actually looked like a Metal Head (Leather Jacket, Black Clothing ect.) all the rest were young *Mallcore* lookin kids ... so granted I am the Stereotype to an extent but that Stereotype is becoming a rarity so I am pround of it ... as for Eddie .. atleast on the VH1 show I find him to be far to sterile thats all ... he is better than that blond lady who doesnt have a clue what a Metal band is ... all that matters is you had fun with the interview! and it was a GOOD read! ofcourse! your Interviews always are! :headbang: