2010 Annual Sneap Awards ... ???


Nov 17, 2008
Have we ever done this before??

I think it'd be hilariously entertaining. We set a few categories, such as best mixes... best reamps... best edits... best trolls (lol) etc...

Then we accept all user submissions in the form of nomination applications, with audio samples, etc.

However, an application does not necessarily need to be necessary to vote for someone. For example: Ermin takes no interest and doesn't apply, but still gets the most votes for best whatever. He'd still win it.

So we'd decide on categories, gather votes for a few weeks with one person keeping track (i volunteer!) because polls are public and that'd ruin the suspense... and then announce them on a given day and all have a good laugh and there will be no prizes except being legitimized by your fellow sneapster.

Or can we create private polls? how does that work??

Or am I the only who thinks this would be awesome and that'll just be the end of that? haha.
I think this would be a laugh :p worth considering for sure
Best Mixes
Best Brutal Mix
Best non-metal Mix
Best outboard mix
Best ITB mix
Best Masters
Best Edits
Best Guitar Tones
Best Solo's / Guest Solo's
Best Troll
Best ............

anymore idea's?
If I don't win Douche Bag or Best Troll I WILL BE FUCKING PISSED!!!

oh and NSGUITAR also wins Liar of the year for sticking to his guns in the epic pic thread.
And one last thing....

I better win FAT PORN PRODUCER OF THE YEAR! I'm the only mother fucker that fucks fat bitches for a living!
I tried starting something like this a few months ago in this thread

We seriously need like our own "Razzie" awards here ...

have like a sticky thread where the absolute dumbest things said are compiled and at the end of the year we all vote :lol:

could even have it in catagories

Most obnoxious noob
Dumbest advise

We could call it the John Storm Award or something :D
I think this could definitely be a hoot, and I nominate any one of Ermz' mixes for best hybrid mix (which should be a category, and also include nominations for Chuck Wall and Mr. Pluskota :D)
I think this could definitely be a hoot, and I nominate any one of Ermz' mixes for best hybrid mix (which should be a category, and also include nominations for Chuck Wall and Mr. Pluskota :D)

I was totally thinking hybrid mixes. So let's do it then, how shall we structure this? Are private polls a possibility or will I need to do this all by hand?? Lasse!! where are you!
Best Mixes
Best Brutal Mix
Best non-metal Mix
Best outboard mix
Best ITB mix
Best Masters
Best Edits
Best Guitar Tones
Best Solo's / Guest Solo's
Best Troll Of The Year
Best Fat Pron Producer Of The Year
Worst Dressed
Best Dresses
Most Sexy
Most Unsexy

Lifetime Achievement Awards:
NSGuitar - The OMFG I got caught in a Lie award
NSGuitar - The OMFG I cant believe I tried to fool them award
Guitarguru777 - The I piss JeffTD off every time he sees my name in the user list award
Guitarguru777 - The OMFG I cant believe its not butter award

Honorary Mentions:
The Fuck You Joey Sturgis Award - The entire forum gets this award for the fastest I have ever seen and forum go from complete haters to ok hes cool he can stay
I think this would be fucking hilarious, as long as no one takes it too seriously.