2013 March Madness

i'm not doing crap except for voting and maybe arguing with people who vote wrong... got too many must-dos already. but it sure would be fun if someone took care of this stuff!
I have a few recos lined up already. What say everyone willing to reco some stuff at some point makes a quick post here and well sort out the order later? If youre able to post some stuff soon make a note.
All I ever remember about this is that Deströyer 666 beat Slayer one year and that made me sad.

And now reading an old thread I recall that Sunn O))) were deemed not metal. That's just dumb.

Oh well, I hate basketball anyhow. It is no wonder that I never participate in these things. :loco:
I have a few recos lined up already. What say everyone willing to reco some stuff at some point makes a quick post here and well sort out the order later? If youre able to post some stuff soon make a note.

Everyone name their 8 favorite recos, we'll compile a top 32/64 from that. There was just faaaaaaaaaaar to many recommendations to give everyone a run at this. If a reco doesn't receive any votes, it shouldnt be in the Madness anyhow.
