

Sep 7, 2001
I spent $22.49 on Bath and Leaving Your Body Map at a local shop, how much of that do you pricks get? If it's anything like the royalties from having a novel published I'd wager you have a series of checks for around a $1.50 each. 'kin business’…
What's a royalty?

Check this out...
From Racer X's site, with Paul Gilbert of Mr. Big and all sorts of supposedly "major music guys".

man you got ripped off. they're only $20 from their website plus u get a free sticker and poster. the poster is pretty shitty, but whatever.
well the picture is cool, but it's a lot smaller than i epected and it was all folded and had ads for darksymphonies on the other side.
We just moved into a new practice space a few weeks back, and there are two posters on our wall.

1) a HUGH JASS My Dying Bride poster of Turn Loose the Swans Larry got from some guy in England for free (he's not helping us with those MDB comparisons)

2) that motW poster with the house. I put it right next to the MDB poster, just to exaggerate the size difference.
eric to satisfy my own curiosity, what's your rehearsal space like? how much do you pay, how big is it, what kind of building is it in, what's securityu like, do you share it with another band, etc etc?
It's in a large industrial bldg with about 60 or so rooms, all band practice spaces. A lot of bands we know play there- Disinter, Forest of Impaled, Gorgasm, etc. Mike from Disinter got another room in addition to his band's room, and he's been playing bass on and off with us, so he said we could split it with him. The room is pretty big- tall ceilings, probably at least 40'x30'? Not air conditioned, so that sucks, but Mike's moving a bunch of his stuff in (fridge, couch, TV, etc) from the Disinter practice space. It's $350/month total, so we split it- $175 for our band, which is only about $45/mo per person (unless our bassist comes back, haven't heard from him since he cancelled going to St Louis). Some bands we know have had security problems there before, but I don't think Mike has- lots of padlocks and a gate over the door helps. As far as practice spaces go, it's pretty damn good. Just hot.

The last couple years, we just played at Paul's house. Before recording the Knowing, we were in a HOLE in Joliet; the basement of a store, sharing with a band called ORGY with PIGS - they had parties you wouldn't believe. Strippers drinking booze off each other's bare chests- and I missed EVERY one of them. Lots of roaches in that place. We bug bombed a few times. It was huge, but dank and smelly- only about $150/mo for our part.

I was wondering as well- what's your current practice situation? Do you practice as a core group, or with everyone that can be there?
we have a space that's about 8 x 25, 5th floor of an industrial building with about 30 rooms on that floor. each room is $500... and most rooms are shared with another band. We share our space with an indie rock band called Lost Pilot.. there's not much room to move around in our space, and hardly enough room for 2 bands' equipment.

Some of the other bands seem to have a great time in their rehearsal space, smoking weed, watching TV, having refrigerators... hanging out, you know. But we just can't do that in ours, it's so tiny. We can't even move around while we play.

And yeah, we practice with everyone who can make it - these days we're doing rehearsals with no drums. It's pretty interesting.
Yeah, when we were getting ready for the Sculptured Ivy record, we were practicing at the session drummer's band's space. They were a 3-piece and practiced in what must have been a 10'x8' room. When we played, we had to open the door because we couldn't all fit in the room. Paul stayed in the hall, and me, Mary, and Erik played in the room with the drummer sasha. Good times. I can't imagine doing it all the time like that- that must suck tremendously.

Yeah, lots of bands we see have fun in their practice space with pot, porn, booze, wimmens... We'd be the geeks watching tapes of the Muppet Show drinking YooHoo.