220 Volt

In high school they handed out a two or three song cassette if you bought the paper that month. It wasn't bad. We were told you would get a cassette but we were assuming it would be rap or some other crap. This was in '89 or '90 and it was a pleasant surprise.
I still have it but it was no surpise it never really took off. I think one Europe was enough. Also, saturating the Seguin, Texas market probably wasn't enough to push them over the edge.
Very cool band..... I remember a guitar player I worked for having a preset on his rack called "220 Flange" that was used in their cover of "I'm On Fire"

In high school they handed out a two or three song cassette if you bought the paper that month. It wasn't bad. We were told you would get a cassette but we were assuming it would be rap or some other crap. This was in '89 or '90 and it was a pleasant surprise.
I still have it but it was no surpise it never really took off. I think one Europe was enough. Also, saturating the Seguin, Texas market probably wasn't enough to push them over the edge.

Holy crap, I knew this band name sounded familiar for some reason...and I think I may have a heat-melted copy of that cassette somewhere still, too!

:lol: Yes, with Seguin's metal masses pushing them, how could they fail?! (I guess BOTH of us should have done more). :lol:

"The Great Escape" from their "Lethal Illusion" cd is AWESOME! It starts like old lady rock and then just opens up in a nice, hard rock driving style. Brilliant!
KingsGene said:
They sound like Europe? Then, I'll definitely check 'em out...:)

More like early Europe, they did get more commercial on EYE TO EYE, which is the album I think TXHOSER's cassette sampler came from. Excellent melodic metal, if you like that early Europe sound definitely check them out...
