24 season finale


Sep 19, 2008
Wheaton, IL
So I was wondering if any of you happen to watch 24 and what your thoughts on the finale were. They seem to be pretty mixed across the net. Personally, I thought it ended as good as it could have. I don't understand people that wanted him to die. Plus, I knew they were going through with a movie afterwards, so I knew that wouldn't happen. However, I will admit that I wasn't a big fan of them announcing the movie before the end of the season. I think it should have been right after the season ended, so people actually thought it was possible for him to die. All in all though, considering a movie is planned it ended in a perfect way in that it tied up all the loose ends, but it also set up the movie.
I wanted Jack to die, and I have mixed feelings on the series finale. The past few years have been all about pushing him closer to the edge, and this season, they truly pushed him over the edge with Renee's death. I just wanted him to go all guns blazing, take out the Russians, and show that you can only push him so far before he just loses all self control. I think it would have been interesting to see him go from being a good guy to truly crossing the line at the end.

That being said, I do agree that Jack is the ultimate good guy, and seeing him assassinate the Russian President would have been completely against what he believes in. The world just can't have Jack becoming a terrorist when we need him to kill them all. :lol:

I think they played it too safe by letting him run away. The reasoning for a future movie is completely lame. They could have killed Jack, and then set a movie earlier in time. That would allow them to bring back so many people - David Palmer, Tony Almeida, Nina Meyers, etc. A movie doesn't have to continue the story after the series, it could just be in between various seasons.

I wish I could find a Jack Bauer Body Count for all 8 seasons.
I wanted Jack to die, and I have mixed feelings on the series finale. The past few years have been all about pushing him closer to the edge, and this season, they truly pushed him over the edge with Renee's death. I just wanted him to go all guns blazing, take out the Russians, and show that you can only push him so far before he just loses all self control. I think it would have been interesting to see him go from being a good guy to truly crossing the line at the end.

That being said, I do agree that Jack is the ultimate good guy, and seeing him assassinate the Russian President would have been completely against what he believes in. The world just can't have Jack becoming a terrorist when we need him to kill them all. :lol:

I think they played it too safe by letting him run away. The reasoning for a future movie is completely lame. They could have killed Jack, and then set a movie earlier in time. That would allow them to bring back so many people - David Palmer, Tony Almeida, Nina Meyers, etc. A movie doesn't have to continue the story after the series, it could just be in between various seasons.

I wish I could find a Jack Bauer Body Count for all 8 seasons.

You make good points. I think the best thing would've been if they did it from years past as you said. I think it was before season 3 I want to say where he was out in the field with those mexican gangsters and such, where he got that heroin addiction. Forgive me for my memory as it's been years since I've seen that season. I always would've liked to have seen what happened there.

I still don't mind the ending though. I just hope if they do the movie now that they do the whole Russians going after him or something similar. They're notorious for bringing up new storylines, only to never use them again. :lol:
I wasn't all that impressed, but then I haven't been too impressed with the show in general since the first three amazing seasons. Since Season 4, it's been going downhill. I've been watching it... just because.

I think they left Jack alive partially because they didn't know, for sure, that this was going to be the final season until the finale had already been made. They probably wanted to leave things open, just in case. Unfortunately, this means that the show ends just the same way as any other 24 season. Meh.

However... did anyone besides me notice the throwback to Season 1? The whole scene with Jack setting up for the sniper attack on Logan/Suvarov looked almost identical to when he was setting up for the assassination attempt on presidential hopeful David Palmer. Awesome!
I wasn't all that impressed, but then I haven't been too impressed with the show in general since the first three amazing seasons. Since Season 4, it's been going downhill. I've been watching it... just because.

I think they left Jack alive partially because they didn't know, for sure, that this was going to be the final season until the finale had already been made. They probably wanted to leave things open, just in case. Unfortunately, this means that the show ends just the same way as any other 24 season. Meh.

However... did anyone besides me notice the throwback to Season 1? The whole scene with Jack setting up for the sniper attack on Logan/Suvarov looked almost identical to when he was setting up for the assassination attempt on presidential hopeful David Palmer. Awesome!

Actually that's incorrect. I read a while back that they held off shooting the last three episodes until they came to the decision to move forward or not. When they did, they shot the last three, but with knowing that there would be a movie to follow.

For me, I liked most of the seasons. The only one I truly didn't like I think was season 6 if I remember correctly. That season it seemed they were making it up as they went along. This season, the first half was bad and I thought the second half was good. The initial Dana storyline was one of the worst ever I thought, outside of the cougar chasing Kim storyline.

With that being said though I think the best thing would have been to end it after last season when he had the disease and everything. Just my two cents. I also thought season 7 was one of the better ones though.
This is a pretty cool summary that this guy does on another message board Im on..its very detailed and all the characters have code names that apply to them. A good read if your've seen the final episode:

==== HOUR 23 ====
• A scruffy Kiefer opens the evening with a humble thank-you to the fans who’ve stuck by them for 8 years. However, anyone still watching at this point is owed an APOLOGY, methinks. Seriously.
• Why are they reminded us that events occur in real time? If you’re just tuning in now, screw you!
• Damp Boi and Mr. White showdown at the Whitecave. Odd to see a Tarantino-esque Mexican standoff without everyone getting killed.
• Chloe arrives at the UN and is automatically being annoyed by her minions.
• Damp Boi notifies Chloe about Jack’s bug and then does an infomercial for Hyundai backup camera system.
• WTF? On the day with multiple terrorist threats they’re having a signing ceremony OUTDOORS; not someplace indoors like the General Assembly hall or a TGIFridays?
• PELB calls Prez Chumpy and tells her about everything and Jack hears it, he’s heard it all.
• Mr. Dominic gets into his SUV and finds out that he’s got himself a JACK SEAT DRIVER! Holla!!!
• Widow Regis gives Chumpy the signing pen Regis was gonna give her. Is it filled with blood, guilt and shame?
• Chloe plans to blast any evidence Jack has out to all media outlets and government employees. Unless she titles the note, “Awwww. Cute Kitteh,” no one’s gonna open it until next week.
• Jack gets into the UN and Dominic to stitch him up – what is this, Lost? – and then gets all sentimental, only pistol-whipping Dom. He’d better tie him up and toss him in the trunk.
• Good, Jack left Dom in the trunk and got his Big Ol’ Sack O’ Guns.
• Chumpy looks forlorn at the pen. Gee, handling your guilt badly?
• Widow Regis arrives and wants help finding Blonde Ambition. Chumpy blows it off, but WR ain’t having it. Keep digging, Chumpy, you’ll find China.
• Whoops! Now we know why Chumpy’s poker night nickname was “Unable-to-Bluffer-in-Chief” as WR realizes that she knew about the plot. She says she’s going to tell Dad, er, the UN and Chumpy threatens to attack Kreplochistan unless she shows up for the signing.
• Nothing makes better for a solid and lasting peace than assassinations, lies, and blackmail, does it?
• Jack sets up sniper shop. Convenient that they’ve got a nice unsecured vantage point overlooking the outdoor signing site.
• WR is pissed. Her lackey is trying to chill her out. Is she gonna catch Sudden Little Bitch Syndrome, too?
• Chloe is notified that Jack’s across the street and goes to get him. Is the eager CTU guy who got demoted for Damp Boi going to be a spoiler?
• Jack leaves a message to Kim. He’s sounding hopeful. Why not just call her since if he dies, they’ll likely black hole the tape?
• Chloe’s got a master key. Does Jack have a new pair of roller skates?
• Dr. Benton is the Secretary General of the UN?
• Chloe finds Jack and receives the most tender and loving chokehold he’s ever administered.
• Jack calls PELB and says, ”Smile, you’re on Sniper Camera.” Then he delivers the Line of the Hour, ”Tell him the truth for a change. That you’ve received a credible threat on his life.” Evil Smirk.

==== HOUR 24 ====
• Press conference wraps up and Big Ivan corners Chumpy about Widow Regis.
• PELB calls Big Ivan and says, ”Why don’t you you come on up and see me sometime, like, now?”
• Damp Boi doesn’t hear from Chloe, so orders the go team in.
• Chloe tries to talk Jack out of killing those who need killing by playing the “Renee wouldn’t want a war in her name” card. Are you sure? She was a pretty hardcore chick. She may find a guy starting a war over her to be romantic.
• Whoa! Super intense showdown with Jack forcing Chloe to shoot him by threatening to kill himself. BANG!!!! Now we have the annoyed face.
• Ah crud, they found Dominic and he orders Chloe held.
• PELB tells Dom about the recording and he gets to fulfill the fantasy of probably 27 nerds and frisks Chloe.
• Jack asks Dom if he’d like to see his Mike Tyson impression. Dom foolishly agrees.
• Chloe tries to upload the file, but people downloading cam files of Shrek Forever After have bogged down the Intarwebz and the transfer isn’t completed before she and Damp Boi are busted by CTU Agent Bucky. Tool.
• PELB gives Chumpy the card and tells her that she’s gotta whack Jack. Chumpy silently signs Jack’s death warrant. YOU SUCK!!!!
• Chumpy plays the card and it’s Jack’s video message. Huh? Where’s the real card? Ooooh, I get it. (Chloe’s taking it back to CTU to play, methinks.)
• Dom and PELB have celebratory drinks. Bastards.
• Peace signing ceremony blah-blah-woof-woof…
• Dr. Benton has Big Ivan sign first. Widow Regis follows. Wouldn’t the treaty have to be ratified by the respective countries making this all moot?
• Chumpy calls the whole thing off and tries to save Jack…
• Too late. The ambulance got ambushed. Black hood comes over the camera. Hmmm.
• PELB clobbers Dominic and then puts the gun under his chin. BANG!!!! Is he dead? Jack was supposed to kill him! DAMMIT!!!!
• Commercial Break Thoughts: Heading into the last segment, they’ve got to cover a lot of ground. Do PELB’s minions kill Jack, thus slapping the fans in the face after 8 seasons and making all the movie talk a false flag operation or do they manage to give us some sort of a happy ending?
• Mini-Aaron has already called CTU and got Chloe, Damp Boi, and Drone Boi on the case while Ivanka is hauled off. They find him in less time than they could find anyone this day.
• Hmmmm, black ops guys? Could they be friends of Mr. White?
• Nope. Oh, this looks grim and…..POW!!! Jack starts to beat the guy with his hands cuffed behind his back. Doesn’t work for long, but silver star and smiley face for effort.
• Jack says to get it over with, but Prez Cherry calls off the hit thanks to the most efficient reverse lookup ever. She orders Jack released and tells Jack she’s weally, weally saw-wee and she should’ve listened to him all along. YA F*CKING THINK?!?!?!?!?
• Jack has a tearful farewell call with Chloe and he gets a head start for life on the lam as the clock counts down to 00:00:00…that’s all folks!

Thoughts: And thus the curtain falls on the end of an era. Even though saddled with some tawdry plot baggage due to the messed-up plotting, these final two hours were pretty intense and gut-wrenching. If only they hadn’t botched the first 18 hours of the season. (Anyone else what to dig up Starbitch’s corpse and smack it around some more?) That Prez Cherry came out of the attack of SLBS was predictable, but Cherry Jones played it so well that we almost – ALMOST – felt bad for her total epic failness.

Hardcores: Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack and JACK!!!!

Little Bitches: President Evil Little Bitch (he’s not really dead, is he?), Prez Cherry, Mr. Dominic (BIH), national honor.

Up Next: During their call, Jack told Chloe to protect Kim’s family from the Ruskies, thus setting up the first movie, “2: Forget The Cougar, Here Comes The Bear!”

Episodes Score: 8/10; 9.5/10

JBBC: Final total for this final go ‘round is 132 kills – 33 if we scored Starbitch as one, but she counted 100, DAMMIT!!!