2nd Song from the one man band that is me!- Please pick it apart and give me tips!


Sep 16, 2009
Tallahasse, FL. USA
Hello all!

I've been doing lots of reading and studying and figured it was time to post an example to get some feedback and direction from everyone. I did all of it from the ground up so it's all open for suggestion and criticism. Apart from the guitar solo. That is beyond reproach! :Smug: I kid: It's garbage and I know it. I'm really a drummer. I'd love to have a guest soloist or 2 on this. There are spots for 2 solos.

The particulars:

It's a 7 string Ibanez RG with Blackouts and relatively fresh strings, Countryman, into a (Korg) tube pre, Double tracked TSE for rhythm tracks. XTAC for the clean/solo. Tone is pretty squelchy towards the end but it was somewhat deliberate.

5 String Ibanez for bass. Actually 3 tracks at 40L Center 40R with XTAC for a little crunch on the panned tracks bumped 3ms ahead for depth. Played with the phase to get it somewhat right.

The drum are me on an electronic kit into an Alesis Trigger I/O triggering Slate (of course). I mixed 3 snares together. Dream Snare, Black Snare and Old Zep 1 I think it was? Metal Toms and the Black kick. Used a little post processing to shape it up and glue it together. All the cymbals are real. Zildjian A Customs. CAD M177 as overheads. SM57 on the hats. The ride sounds like ass... It's just not Metal. It's too light. Zildjian 20" K Custom Dry Complex Ride.

I used Nebula 3 extensively on this. The AlexB SSL models in particular. Also the Waves SSL channel here and there and the SSL Comp on the 2 Bus along with Ozone preset CD Master tweaked for the song. Mastering by preset = Awesome right? :lol:

Lyrics will be based on the Showtime show Dexter. If you are familiar with it in Season 2 the law was getting close to him so he wrote a letter to the papers to throw them off. It was a bunch of crap and he said "Presto Manifesto." Thought that was cool so that's my working title on this.

This is my first time using dropbox. I hope I get it right.

Version 3- Loud as hell over compressed... but I like this one so far!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5144930/02 - SRG- Presto Manifesto Version 3.wav

Please let me know what you think! To me it's miles ahead of the garbage I posted a couple of months ago. That was an embarrassment. This to will probably be an embarrasssment soon!

Figured out Dropbox with a little help! Thanks guys!
Np man...the songs not bad its got potential...that snare is way too loud though and tbh i would go with a different snare all together and theres alot of timing problems going on
Np man...the songs not bad its got potential...that snare is way too loud though and tbh i would go with a different snare all together and theres alot of timing problems going on

Thanks for listening. Not liking that snare sound at all huh? Appreciate your honesty.

What timing problems are you talking about? There are 4 different tempos through out the song. All between 140 and 100. Is that what you are talking about? The actual meter seems to be pretty good to me but I am too close to this thing now.
Not so much the tempo but the instruments playing together...the drums trail off alot and it throws everything else off...and yeh not really a fan of the snare...but thats just me, if you like it then stick with it dude
The snare almost sounds like it's phasing. It's really weird.

Guitars could be tighter, but like you said, you're a drummer. It's interesting what you did with the bass, but I don't know if just a single track might just work better. Is it 3 times the same track or actually three seperate takes?
The snare almost sounds like it's phasing. It's really weird.

Guitars could be tighter, but like you said, you're a drummer. It's interesting what you did with the bass, but I don't know if just a single track might just work better. Is it 3 times the same track or actually three seperate takes?

It's the same track 3 times with different treatments and moved around a little. I read about that in an interview with Jens Bogren. He did it on some album. Can't remember which. Maybe it was Watershed. It's in his thread on these forums. I'll look for it when I get some more time. Thanks for listening.

I think the snare phasing you are hearing is actually the huge reverb from the Black Snare. I like it actually but I'm not opposed to trying something different. I just don't want my stuff to sound like every other Slate Core thing out there you know?

Slates snares are supposed to be phase accurate and when I solo them out I don't here any phase artifacts. Not that I have the golden ears or anything though.

There are some intentional slight retards :zombie:to the drums. I am trying to make it sound more human than hard quantized to the grid you know? I like the organic feel that human drumming gives but I will definitely analyze better to search out fills that throw things off.

Thanks guys! These are the things I need to hear to get better at this.:headbang:
It's cliping all over the place... the master is very very loud.... noch it down a little! ...too bad that everything is offtiming (or i'm too drunk ATM)... but it has some potential!