20-45Hz. Never say never. Just say rarely.
50-90hz Ahh the madness. Here's the 'swing' range in our 'chugging'.
100-150 Bottom of the meat.
180-240 Lo-Center of the meat.
250-320 Hi-Center of the meat.
340-650 Danger Will Robinson. Top of meat/Bottom of mids. CRITICAL.
700-900 More danger. Hard to hear. Kills 'newbies' on contact. Will explain.
950-1.2k Pure Satan. Make or break ya. Easy to hear. Hard to control.
1.3k-1.6k Ditto the above.
1.7k-2.2k Top of the mids/Bottom of pick attack range. Oh, the fear.
2.3k-3.1k Middle of pick range. Picky de poison. Mucho Satania.
3.2k-4.2k Top of pick range. Pick out a nice coffin. Yer gonna need it.
4.3k-6.5k Bottom of fizz. Add Beefeaters for gin fizz. Guzzle many glasses.
6.6k-8k. Top of fizzy. Many will kill this range ruthlessly. Careful. Can O' wormies.
8k-10k Road to hell. Paved with good intentions. Enjoy. Not.
10-15k Less obvious road(s) to hell. Gravel. Lose a windshield up here.
15k-25k Same disclaimer as 25-40Hz. Can you say 'sometimes bandwidth matters'?