30 seconds to mars = Best

I have listened to Kings and Queens for like 30 times today... Damn that is a good song. I have noticed that there is not enough vocalists today that interprets with as much emotion as Jared. Majority of singers just sing with lungs instead of feel, emotion, passion and raw energy.

Have you noticed that there are barely any heavily distorted guitars at all in this is war? compared to the previous record there was majorly distorted guitars in the choruses, but here there are none. But they still sounds huge as fuck.
Listening to this the now. Not bad at all. Certainly better than their previous stuff, though I wonder if I'll like it anywhere near as much when it's been played on Kerrang and Scuzz non stop for a few weeks on the trot.

They basically wouldn't exist without reverb and delay units though, kinda reminds me of the U2 sketch by Bill Bailey :lol: