3sprit Fuzz (More DIY stuff inside)

So, after my ambitious guitar amp building (http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/equipment/573488-new-amp-day-pics-clips.html) and Les Paul salvaging (http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/...-what-finish-i-should-put-project-guitar.html) projects I thought it would be appropriate to build something to accompany them. Behold, the 3sprit Fuzz:


It's a rather simple fuzz pedal built from some spare parts I had lying around. I based it on the Bazz Fuss schematic and modified it to fit the junk components I found. The whole shebang is housed in an Esprit watch box my fiancé generously donated me. Here's how it sounds into Podfarm with completely clean settings:


Fat and dirty, just like me!
I dig it dude, would be great for some stoner stuff! (though it sounds like it could definitely benefit from a TS or just something to cut the lows out from the guitar signal before hitting it) And them's some blistering lixx you bust out in the second half :lol::rock:
I dig it dude, would be great for some stoner stuff! (though it sounds like it could definitely benefit from a TS or just something to cut the lows out from the guitar signal before hitting it) And them's some blistering lixx you bust out in the second half :lol::rock:

Haha, cheap shot dude, I'm not a lead guitarist! :lol: Just had to track something to try it out with the neck pup :) But yeah, stoner is pretty much what I made it for. I'll be recording a stonerish song with a buddy of mine next weekend, and I'm pretty sure the guitar chain will be DIY Les Paul -> DIY TS-808 -> DIY Fuzz -> Windsor. If that won't sound dirty, I'm out of ideas :D